So they finally arrived, my drunken purchase was too big to fit through the letter box, but a 30 minute walk each way to the PO depot and they are on my head. First impressions are they certainly seem well made, the packaging is great, like the travel kit, and nice touch of supplying a battery. They certainly sit snugly, going to take a bit of geting used to with the Beyers being on ear (just), where are these are totally over, certainly warm!
Currently running through my first listen, hard to say which i prefer in terms of NR on or off yet. I am finding the NR off having a slightly muddy sound, maybe a bit boomy, lacking the nice crunchy guitars sound you get with Grandaddy, a bit like they are playing through a wall, howver I then find the NR on sound a little too bright. Does the treble come to the fore a bit following some good listening time?
Waiting to see if I can cope with the short cable tomorrow, and also whether people can cope with the reported leakage, I think the volumes they'll beon at work should be ok.
Any feedback on sound setups, improvements through listening etc would be interesting to hear. Setup is old 40gb photo, fiio e5 and lod.