Gimmick or Godsend? I spent a week with FiiO’s retro cassette deck and Discman to test their modern-day merit

I want the form factor of the cassette one, but for it to be an mP3 player as well as a cassette player, or the same, but with the cd player.

As long as the interactions with the music are the same, like the physical interactions, then that's enough for me, like I don't need to literally play from a tape. I just want to interact with it as though it is a tape
That cassette player is completely Mickey Mouse in every way! No waaaay would I ever use that thing.....I have better generic early 80's units that are way better quality than that! Awful piece of junk! I like the CD player though....
Great article. I'm an all-type-of-media guy now. When I was a kid I could only afford those awful low quality cassettes and got mix tapes from my cousin. Heck I could only start to buy TDK (Normal type) when I started working. ONLY after a while and with CDs arriving at the world I started to slowly collect them. Not a massive collector really, in all these years I've gathered some 700 of them. And recently I started to buy some select LP Records but they're expensive/problematic. Streaming it is! But I have some old equipment too, to play cassettes and CD/SACD. And bought a lot of FiiO mid-range DACs and players. So they tell me a Walkman? I almost bit the bullet, it's nice to know from this article that they've invested in good heads, but I might wait for a version 2. Now a cd player? Now I couldn't say no. The transparent version is on the way!

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