from ps3 to panasonic bd85


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi,just purchased a pana bd85 set it up but it just does not sound as good as my ps3 slim,the slim sounds more dynamic and open,the question is will it need running in like a lot of the other equipment or is it just on the wrong settings.I have left it on the factory settings,thanks.
Hi, watched a dvd that i had hanging around for ages and thought that the quality is better than the ps3,anyone else thought the same.

Been interested in BluRay comparisons recently, and there seems a lot of debate on the merits of standalone players over the PS3.

Wondered is it just the sound that's better or picture as well? What are you hearing and / or seeing that makes it better?

Sounds like I'm saying it isn't better but I'm not. I myself went for a standalone, but never demod a PS3, so I'm just interested.

Said this many times on here.

As much as a want my PS3 to be better than my Panny DMP-BD80 it isn't. Not even 90% there.

Would really, really suit me for PS3 to be as good. Just technology has moved forward since its release.

Thanks Cookie Monster. Just trying to understand where the performance is lost. I've seen some comparisons saying video detail is lower. Is this the main issue?

What about the sound. What are the missing elements there? Is there again a lack of detail?
I have a PS3 and got a Sony BDP-370 for 81.00 from costco, as my PS3 would not bitstream, so the sound is a lot better than my PS3 Obviously.

But the picture, Is a little better, I cant see the difference but its not massive. so glad I bought the sony bdp
Hi Kinda,

Here is how i see the difference in performance.

Detail- Definetly more detail possibly due to processing engine, same applies to DVD.

Clarity - Each pixel seems to have more 'luminance' and clarity.

Motion- Slow pans are definetly better, worth manually setting cadence to 'Film' as seems to be better than auto. Read that in a review and it seems to improve things.

Colour - Richer colours with greater contrast.

Overall seem more cinematic.

Sound- i actually like the sound from my PS3 in bitstream but the Panny (set to High Clarity Audio) is significantly better for vocals, and taughtness of bass. Standard Dolby Digital and DTS sound significantly more powerful (not sure if better) than the PS3.
For all my praise of the Panny BD player Vs PS3, if i had to choose just one piece of kit it would be the PS3. Does so much that difficult to touch ( any product i can think of) for value for money.

Only buy with extended non-manufacturer warranty though.
Hi,had a little look at transformers on BR last night to see IF i could see a difference between ps3 slim and BD85,there was defiantly more edge definition on the BD85 so I am happy that i have made a little improvement to my system.


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