You know this forum is a cake walk when compared to other forums that I have been looking at........
About 4 months ago I decided to celebrate finally getting a larger flat by buying a Thorens record deck and listening to vinyl........ I was totally ignorant (and, proudly said this, still am!) about quality stereo and 'audiophile' equipment...... so ignorant in fact that I did not know about phono stages..... so had to upgrade my amplifier.... then my Teac Reference 100 integrated amp/cd player had not output.... so I had to get a CD player..... and then a NAD amp I got off Ebay had a small fire and blew my speakers....... and then..... well you get the idea.
What does the ignorant person do if they have to get entry level good quality stereo equipment? Well in this age of intraweb you would hit the forums...........right? NEVER AGAIN!
They are full of condescending asses who not only contradict each other but put each other down also.......
Some guy might answer a simple question about 'which deck is for me?' with a simple 'go for the Thorens TD-160 with an SME tone-arm'.
Next poster comes along and calls the original dude mad and how the Linn Rega THP-XF92SE tone-arm (but only get the one made in late July 1972 because all the others were rubbish) is the only one to get and that cartridge that came as a result of research NASA did on alien spacecraft at Roswell.
Next post begins 'You are both wrong........' and gives an opposite answer which is similarly ludicrous yet detailed......
Next post is from a dude who lives with Stigg of the Dump and he says that you should make a record deck from an apple box and elastic bands because that is the only way to achieve proper audio perfection and besides all this over priced stuff is made in China and is rubbish.
Next post is from someone who is lost and was wondering if anyone knows how to get from Kensington to Holborn.....?
Then everyone has a fight...... when that has blown out it is decided that everyone (apart from themselves) involved in the conversation is totally mad and that no-one knows anything about music, hi-fi and, further to that, everyone is a right royal rotter and they cannot be trusted to tie their own shoe laces.......
Meanwhile I, the questioner, is just sat staring at my computer screen, totally agog and none the wiser............
At least here you can interact with the members of staff and people are nice and courteous and helpful......... it is quite positive..... the only danger here is that you might miss the in-joke or a thread descend into some Monty Python dialogue..... it is all rather British and, therefore, warm and comfortable...... I like it.
That was here wasn't it?
Custard, anyone.....?