First upgrade of this year, what a difference a few years makes!!

True Blue

New member
Oct 18, 2008
Regular readers will no doubt be aware this is my hifi upgrade year. Whilst still toying with the idea of which amp and whether or not to go down the CD / NAS+SONUS route thought I would upgrade my speaker cables and interconnects!!

15 year old kenwood amp and CD with Tannoy Mercury M2 speakers (with upgraded speaker cable and reasonable interconnects at the time of purchase 15years ago) have just had a major lease of life injected with Chord Carnival silverscreen speaker cable and chord crimson interconnects.

If the other half cant notice the difference then its off to the doctors for a hearing test. However "seeming" to lack a bit of bass / punch I think it may be called hopefully next upgrade will sort that out

Anyway speakers and stands next (B&W 685 and super dreadnoughts I think) unless someone has any better suggestions for around £600 for both.
Yes, thoughnot with my system!! cant get an audition of the 685's with the roksan kandy 3, as both have to be ordered in!!

Possibly thinking of RS6's instead??
Get yourself along to Nick and the chaps at your local hi-fi emporium and insist they get a pair of Rega RS3's in (£684). They are compact floorstanders so no need for stands.

Don't take any 'guff' from them. (They have - or have had - some RS5's in for demo recently from Rega and were gushing over the phone to me about them so I know they can get them in for you to listen to).

The Rega RS3's represent an even bigger jump in quality over their predecessors (R3) than the difference between R5 and RS5.

They are efficient (90db) so will suit pretty much any decent amp and they are not fussy about positioning (like whether they are against a wall or away from it).

If I had £600 - £700 right now I think I would jump at them. (If you don't buy them I will get another phone call no doubt!)
Thanks Chebby, I was in there today.

Definately one to audition thanks

How are the leopards?
True Blue:
Thanks Chebby, I was in there today.

Definately one to audition thanks

How are the leopards?

Fretful and a bit gnashy earlier. Fitting my new opamps today made their lunch a little late! They are relaxed nicely now and listening to 'Tiger Feet' by Mud whilst licking marrow from some old beef bones.


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