Finding AirPlay symbol on new iPlayer iPhone app


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
For anyone struggling (as I did yesterday) to activate AirPlay when using the new BBC iPlayer iPhone app...

... start your radio/TV programme then press the iPhone 'home' button twice (rapidly) and then sweep the menu to the left until you see the AirPlay symbol and press it.

Everything else (YouTube, iPlayer via Safari, iTunes, TuneIn Radio Pro) has an AirPlay symbol automatically appear, but not the new iPhone iPlayer app.

I'm sure you all knew this already, but I posted just in case.
bigboss said:
I'm not aware of any other way.

As I said, all the other applications that use AirPlay on my iPhone automatically present the symbol on screen (along with any volume sliders & pause/play/record symbols etc.) without having to 'prompt' for it. So it was new to me.

iPad users have have a BBC iPlayer app for quite a long time now, so they are used it I suppose.


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