

New member
Jul 20, 2007
Been bored today, then the Spyder kit turned up, so I thought i'd have a crack at setting up the Gyro:

TA DA!!!





So, there's my Gyrodec Spyder, with TecnoArm A and Denon DL-103 cart.

However, because it's me and nothing ever can go 100% smoothly, it turns out that I have an outdated Rega armboard, which meant I had to remove the VTA in order to get the arm to screw into place. I thought i'd gotten away with it, as the arm was perfectly parallel to the platter without the VTA. But no. Its a smidge too low. It's fine with thin vinyl, but with heavyweight, the arm lift action doesn't quite clear the arm from the record. So, I have three options:

1: Buy another armplate and spend another £40 (which will take my total spend to around £1200. I could have bought a new Gyro for a couple hundred more!

2: Get a recess drilled into the armplate I have, for the VTA to sit in.

3: Get down B&Q and see if I can get a steel washer to use as a spacer.

It's annoying, cos I was so close to getting away with it. I literally need 5mm of extra height! What would you do, boys (and clare

Anyway, onto the important stuff: How does it sound?

Well, My first listen was to 'Introducing the hardline....' - Terence Trent D'arby and it was, well, horrible. Sibilant and tinny and with a tonne of inner groove distortion. Not a nice first impression from this deck that i've waited 7 months to listen to. I honestly was tempted to dismantle it and put my faithful RPM4 back in place! But then I remembered how poo the RPM4 sounded when I first set it up.

So, I had a play around with the cart alignment and that sorted the inner groove distortion out. Carts really don't have to be much out to mess up the sound do they?

With regards to the sibilance and tinniness, I think that was down to the cart. It had been in storage for a long time and I think maybe the stylus was stiff, because, over the course of an hour or so the sound really changed and I started to get an idea of what the 'Dec and a MC cart can do.

I wont go into hyperbole territory, but there's a definite improvement over my previous deck. The RPM4 had a lovely midrange, but the Gyro has more texture to it. However, I couldn't say that it's a massive improvement (I think this is more a compliment to the RPM4, than a diss to the Gyro. That cheap little dec was stonkingly good, you know

Where there is a big improvement, though, is on vocals and this really surprised me because the RPM4 with the Shure cart was brilliant at them. The Gyro puts an acre of air around the vocals. It's very impressive.

Also, the low-level detail retrieval is better. The RPM4 showed me more detail than my CDP, and the Gyro has bettered the RPM4. I've heard a couple of parts in songs that I genuinely hadn't heard before, and even with the low-level stuff that I could hear before, the Gyro seems to amplify it and make it clearer to hear.

So, this has been a massive, drawn-out journey and one that won't be finished until I sort the armboard out. But, even so, what I have heard so far from the Gyro has got me grinning.

And, damn it's purty!
That's a cool looking deck mate, hope it gives you loads of pleasure.

Just as a matter of interest, does it have a lid of any description? Just wondered about the dust etc.

if that thing sounds half as good as it looks you'll be in audio heaven bretty 🙂
Thanks Y'all!

DIB, I have a unicover for it, which is pretty useless.


It protects the platter and tonearm but offers no protection from dust. I've got my thinking cap on, trying to figure a way round it. I looked at getting a cover vacuum moulded, but to produce a one-off was silly money. I'm thinking maybe an upturned aquarium, if I can get one in the right size.
Well done,finaly, bretty my son. Ok , i cant think of the sellers name offhand but a bit of trawling on the bay should come up with a company that make dust covers to your requirements. Cheap anaw. That thing you have got, well you may as well bin it. Dust is good anyways
. Next cart you bolt on, if its an open lug or through hole jobbie,feed the bolts up from the bottom. Much easier screwing the nuts on from the top instead of faffing around like you most definately did. And buy some st/stl skt head bolts (2.5mm). Even easier using those.
Avid. Your deck looks very good indeed, but there's little to compare with the style gurus.

Anyway, nice deck - makes my homemade jobbie look sad.
mitch65 said:
If you are after some Rega spacers I have some lurking around somewhere....

Thanks, Mitch. I've just realised though that spacers won't work, because of the shortness of the tonearm's thread. I think if I drill 10mm into the underside of the arm board, that will allow me to put the VTA back on and get the extra height I need.

Although i've managed to blag setting up the Dec on my own, your still more than welcome to come round and have a listen and a beer
floyd droid said:
Well done,finaly, bretty my son. Ok , i cant think of the sellers name offhand but a bit of trawling on the bay should come up with a company that make dust covers to your requirements. Cheap anaw. That thing you have got, well you may as well bin it. Dust is good anyways
. Next cart you bolt on, if its an open lug or through hole jobbie,feed the bolts up from the bottom. Much easier screwing the nuts on from the top instead of faffing around like you most definately did. And buy some st/stl skt head bolts (2.5mm). Even easier using those.

More top tip from my matey, FD

Here's a question for you and Mitch and all other peeps that know more than me. Pretty much everyone, then:

I thought i'd completely fixed the inner groove distortion, but I haven't. Improved it, but still there. Can the fact that the tonarm is slightly low in the a*rse cause it?

Also, i'm not getting the tracking weight that I need. the cart needs to be 2g tracking, at least, but the tecnoweight is only letting me get to about 1.6, before it runs out of thread. I'm using the bigger of the two tecnoarm weights, as the denon is heavy (8g). I thinking maybe if I put the smaller weight on the arm, I could get more tracking weight. Does that sound right to you.

Ok, have at it fellas. Show me the way!!!!!
bretty said:
mitch65 said:
If you are after some Rega spacers I have some lurking around somewhere....

Thanks, Mitch. I've just realised though that spacers won't work, because of the shortness of the tonearm's thread. I think if I drill 10mm into the underside of the arm board, that will allow me to put the VTA back on and get the extra height I need.

Although i've managed to blag setting up the Dec on my own, your still more than welcome to come round and have a listen and a beer

Bloody right you will, can't waste a beer. Having had the same combination of deck, arm and cartridge I know it's a gem (don't think I need to tell you). Pity about the arm board, didn't know there was any difference with the threaded version????
Anyway you have to invite me round as it's the closest I can get to a Technoarm at the moment 😛
bretty said:
floyd droid said:
Well done,finaly, bretty my son. Ok , i cant think of the sellers name offhand but a bit of trawling on the bay should come up with a company that make dust covers to your requirements. Cheap anaw. That thing you have got, well you may as well bin it. Dust is good anyways
. Next cart you bolt on, if its an open lug or through hole jobbie,feed the bolts up from the bottom. Much easier screwing the nuts on from the top instead of faffing around like you most definately did. And buy some st/stl skt head bolts (2.5mm). Even easier using those.

More top tip from my matey, FD

Here's a question for you and Mitch and all other peeps that know more than me. Pretty much everyone, then:

I thought i'd completely fixed the inner groove distortion, but I haven't. Improved it, but still there. Can the fact that the tonarm is slightly low in the a*rse cause it?

Also, i'm not getting the tracking weight that I need. the cart needs to be 2g tracking, at least, but the tecnoweight is only letting me get to about 1.6, before it runs out of thread. I'm using the bigger of the two tecnoarm weights, as the denon is heavy (8g). I thinking maybe if I put the smaller weight on the arm, I could get more tracking weight. Does that sound right to you.

Ok, have at it fellas. Show me the way!!!!!

Sort the arm out,that will sort the distortion out. I'm sure I used the bigger weight with the denon
mitch65 said:
bretty said:
floyd droid said:
Well done,finaly, bretty my son. Ok , i cant think of the sellers name offhand but a bit of trawling on the bay should come up with a company that make dust covers to your requirements. Cheap anaw. That thing you have got, well you may as well bin it. Dust is good anyways
. Next cart you bolt on, if its an open lug or through hole jobbie,feed the bolts up from the bottom. Much easier screwing the nuts on from the top instead of faffing around like you most definately did. And buy some st/stl skt head bolts (2.5mm). Even easier using those.

More top tip from my matey, FD

Here's a question for you and Mitch and all other peeps that know more than me. Pretty much everyone, then:

I thought i'd completely fixed the inner groove distortion, but I haven't. Improved it, but still there. Can the fact that the tonarm is slightly low in the a*rse cause it?

Also, i'm not getting the tracking weight that I need. the cart needs to be 2g tracking, at least, but the tecnoweight is only letting me get to about 1.6, before it runs out of thread. I'm using the bigger of the two tecnoarm weights, as the denon is heavy (8g). I thinking maybe if I put the smaller weight on the arm, I could get more tracking weight. Does that sound right to you.

Ok, have at it fellas. Show me the way!!!!!

Sort the arm out,that will sort the distortion out. I'm sure I used the bigger weight with the denon

Cheers, mitch.

I'll get the arm sorted over the weekend. Come round next week, if you fancy mate.
Jase: Thanks, mate

Mitch: Tuesday or Wednesday are both fine, fella. What's your poison? I'll get something in. Alcohol lubricates the hearing, you know

You were right, Mitch: It was all about the arm. I went out this morning and got a couple of clear nylon washers. It worked like a charm. She's now perfect: No sibilance and no IGD. The washers were only supposed to be a temporary fix, but they dont look at all out of place, so they're staying put. 8p for two washers, I much prefer to £40 for a new armboard!

One thing I have noticed with the Gyro is that records that were previously noise free now have some 'pops'. Is this because the MC cart is more sensitive and revealing? I'm listening to Barber's 'Adagio for strings', and it's a pop-fest. In between the pops, though, the dec is really doing strings well

Here's some more piccies, just coz!

Here's the washers in place. I don't think they look bad at all:


Bretty. The distortion you are hearing is more than likely down to the fact that the Denon plough needs mass, lots of it, to work to its best. I touched on this in another thread, and got lamblasted for slagging off the poor likkle Denon, but heyho, they confused me with someone who gives a flying. Also it tracks and sounds best at the higher end of its recc'd tracking force. Ok back to yer arm. Do you own a set of tracking force scales ? if not you are gonna need some. I used to own a teccy and the vtf calibration dial is yards out for starters. Try to float the arm with the smaller weight,you may get away with it, which should allow you to crank on some serious vtf, im going from memory here Bretts. Remember that too little in the vtf dept will knack your records, keep this in mind mate.

Oh yeah, the anti skate sucks anaw. Use yer lugholes.
bretty said:
Jase: Thanks, mate

Mitch: Tuesday or Wednesday are both fine, fella. What's your poison? I'll get something in. Alcohol lubricates the hearing, you know

You were right, Mitch: It was all about the arm. I went out this morning and got a couple of clear nylon washers. It worked like a charm. She's now perfect: No sibilance and no IGD. The washers were only supposed to be a temporary fix, but they dont look at all out of place, so they're staying put. 8p for two washers, I much prefer to £40 for a new armboard!

One thing I have noticed with the Gyro is that records that were previously noise free now have some 'pops'. Is this because the MC cart is more sensitive and revealing? I'm listening to Barber's 'Adagio for strings', and it's a pop-fest. In between the pops, though, the dec is really doing strings well

Here's some more piccies, just coz!

Here's the washers in place. I don't think they look bad at all:



Hey Bretty,

Looking at those pics I really want to get myself a GyroDeck 🙂

It looks so much nicer than a Black Plinth Deck.
Probably gonna have to wait a little bit longer though seeing as I have just ordered and paid a deposit for a pair of ATC SCM11 Speakers.

Final component in my recent upgrade path 🙂
Jason36 said:
Probably gonna have to wait a little bit longer though seeing as I have just ordered and paid a deposit for a pair of ATC SCM11 Speakers. Final component in my recent upgrade path 🙂

Ooh, nice one! They'll sound sweet mate.
floyd droid said:
Bretty. The distortion you are hearing is more than likely down to the fact that the Denon plough needs mass, lots of it, to work to its best. I touched on this in another thread, and got lamblasted for slagging off the poor likkle Denon, but heyho, they confused me with someone who gives a flying. Also it tracks and sounds best at the higher end of its recc'd tracking force. Ok back to yer arm. Do you own a set of tracking force scales ? if not you are gonna need some. I used to own a teccy and the vtf calibration dial is yards out for starters. Try to float the arm with the smaller weight,you may get away with it, which should allow you to crank on some serious vtf, im going from memory here Bretts. Remember that too little in the vtf dept will knack your records, keep this in mind mate.

Oh yeah, the anti skate sucks anaw. Use yer lugholes.

I love having my mate Droid on call

I don't have any scales, mate, no. I've sorted the problem I was having with not getting the right tracking force: The Allen bolt in the tecnoweight wasn't open properly which was stopping it sliding all the way. I can get plenty of tracking now.

So, the tecnoweight's scale is a bit poo? does it under or over value, mate. The recommended tracking according to the Denon blurb is 2.3 - 2.8. I've taken it up to 2.8, but the distortion is still there, just on the last couple of minutes of a side (thought i'd fixed it, but no).

Do you reckon I should just keep going .1 at a time till I notice an improvement?

I gotta admit, i'm not loving the IGD, and i'm considering putting the Shure from the RPM4 on it, and maybe looking at another MC cart.

EDIT: I tried the smaller weight, but it couldn't float the arm.

Also, while i'm bending your ear, have a look at my arm. It's a little a*se-high to my eyes. Do you think it's ok?(and please say yes
). Only joking, if it's wrong, tell me: I can remove one of the washers and lower it a couple of mill if needs be.

bretty said:
Jason36 said:
Probably gonna have to wait a little bit longer though seeing as I have just ordered and paid a deposit for a pair of ATC SCM11 Speakers. Final component in my recent upgrade path 🙂

Ooh, nice one! They'll sound sweet mate.

Yep I'm hoping so Bretty....I think they should marry rather nicely with the Caspian Electronics. Once they arrived I can concentrate getting the sound from the Rega Plannar 3 spot on. Still seems a bit bass heavy and lifeless on some albums :-(


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