faulty tv after 2 months use

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Firstly, yes, I think you should insist on a new television, whether it can be repaired or not.

And secondly, plenty of men on here who can spend three years trying to decide on stuff, so wouldn't worry about it...
JohnDuncan:Or get a refund, and go and buy a new telly from John Lewis, who will a) be just as cheap and b) would have sent somebody round with a new telly and taken the old one away already...

Other retailers are available.............

Many of the independant retailers in the UK have been offering this service as a bare minimum for decades. The same retailers who offer choice and experience and demonstration facilities and dare I say it an income stream for the publications based on our industry.

Point taken, though none of them are in Kingston...
JohnDuncan:OTTOMH, Clare has a projector, Andy has a Sony, and AE has a Fujitsu plasma. Could've all changed though.

Yup, think that's still about right...
hi andrew, what made you go for fujitsu plasma? its not a make iv heard of, have you had it long?
Yes, had it for ages - four years or so -, and it was an ex-demo model when I got it. Got loaned it by another company for some testing I was doing on some products, and when Fujitsu asked for it back my wife kicked up such a fuss I had to write out a cheque and buy it! There's no arguing with Mrs E...

It's purely a display panel - ie no tuners, no speakers -, it's only HD-ready, won't do 1080p and hasn't even got an HDMI input. Yes, it's that old, so it has component, Scart, DVI-D and a computer input. And one day it's probably going to go bang and I will have to buy a new one, but since I'm not using it for critical video reviewing it's good enough for now.

Fujitsu pulled out of the domestic TV market some time back, saying it was impossible to make money with the kind of premium-priced screens it was selling. Rather like Pioneer more recently, in fact...
PS I wonder if we should do a pole to see which brand and model has the most problems!
Andrew Everard:

Fujitsu pulled out of domestic TV market some time back, saying it was impossible to make money with the kind of premium-priced screens it was selling. Rather like Pioneer more recently, in fact...

IMHO it was a sad day when Fujitsu pulled the plug on the Plasma range as it is also to then see Pioneer do exactly the same thing a year or so down the line.

I still use a 4 year old Fujistu in mt kitchen/dining room and even by todays standards the PQ is very good and the screen is built like a tank and IMHO the mass market TV's are not a patch in terms of build quality on the likes of Fujitsu.
D.J.KRIME:I still use a 4 year old Fujistu in mt kitchen/dining room and even by todays standards the PQ is very good and the screen is built like a tank

Agreed: haven't seen anything much to tempt me to dig deep into the pockets and upgrade, although I was pretty impressed with some of the new-gen LG and Samsung screens I saw in Korea back at the end of last year.
i think i would not have considered that make of tv as it was not sony samsung one of the so called top brands
mind you guys, i get more enjoyment out of this forum than watching tv these days, much more interesting, love the banter!!
tinytots:i think i would not have considered that make of tv as it was not sony samsung one of the so called top brands

But there is where you are wrong as when it came to the production of Plasma TV's Fujitsu were a top along with Pioneer, were the best TV's money could buy. Just because Sony,Samsung etc sell many more units over the likes of Fujitsu it does not make them a "top brand" merly a larger one.

I have experiance from both sides of the fence as I now have a Samsung (all be it a model which was at the time their higher end model) and opted for the Samsung over the Pioneer as it was at the time half as much as the Pioneer yet in no way half the quality in terms of PQ only loosing out IMHO to the Pioneer with a little detail in the darkest sceens, but on the whole I am very happy with my Samsung.

But as much as I like my Samsung I would never refer to it as a "top brand" as I would have with my Fujitsu, but thing have mooved on and with the likes of Samsung having raised their game esspecially with their higher end units it has IMHO put the nails into the coffins of Fujitsu and Pioneer as I believe more and more people havedone as I did and opted for them and saved one heck of a lot of money.

tinytots:i think i would not have considered that make of tv as it was not sony samsung one of the so called top brands

But there is where you are wrong as when it came to the production of Plasma TV's Fujitsu were a top along with Pioneer, were the best TV's money could buy. Just because Sony,Samsung etc sell many more units over the likes of Fujitsu it does not make them a "top brand" merly a larger one.

I have experiance from both sides of the fence as I now have a Samsung (all be it a model which was at the time their higher end model) and opted for the Samsung over the Pioneer as it was at the time half as much as the Pioneer yet in no way half the quality in terms of PQ only loosing out IMHO to the Pioneer with a little detail in the darkest sceens, but on the whole I am very happy with my Samsung.

But as much as I like my Samsung I would never refer to it as a "top brand" as I would have with my Fujitsu, but thing have mooved on and with the likes of Samsung having raised their game esspecially with their higher end units it has IMHO put the nails into the coffins of Fujitsu and Pioneer as I believe more and more people havedone as I did and opted for them and saved one heck of a lot of money.
Agreed several of my family members have Samsungs ranging from 26" to 40" for periods of 3years doown to 6months and as yet have had no issues at all with reliability. It is purely bad luck for one to go dead in such a short time, that said I would say no to repair and insist on replacement set. lightning should not strike twice in the same place, should it.
well i guess mine crashed early it was a samsung 1080i model. Dixons................................................................no comment. GET THEM BE4 THEY GET YOU. i recommend you use kellkoo before buying it reviews the seller and gives you a rating on the best sellers. But get on the phone and make sure thier listening with both ears. Demand a refund or go to trading standards or ofcom.

4 1/2 years ago I bought a Panasonic Plasma, this was DOA had it replaced and this died after 3 months, accepted a repair and had no problems since (this has been with my mother in law for 2 1/2 years now).

Recent purchase was 2 1/2 years ago a Sony Bravia 40W 3000 and had no problems at all.

Most electrical goods seem to go wrong early in their life or not go wrong at all.

But insist on a replacement not a repair, once it has been repaired a replacement is not an option further down the line.
i am still not sure wether to get the same model because i think the picture is good and just can't stand the thought of trawling round looking at more tvs !!! thought i could just put my feet up and enjoy it.
tvspecv: Demand a refund or go to trading standards or ofcom.

Not at all sure what OFCOM has to do with the OP's problem...
hi all, well clare some good news my portable dvd player should arrive in the post tomorrow after being without it for a month, its been fixed !! As regards to tv , engineer coming wenesday, i rang consumer direct and they said i cant demand a refund, or replacement but i could try. the law allows a repair or replacement if the goods have been accepted . However, if a repair is likely to be cheaper than a replacement , then the trader can offer a repair.So we will have to see what happens!


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