the_lhc:You're not making things any better, basically what you're saying is (again), despite 70 years (released in 1940, you do the maths) of critical acclaim, despite being hailed as one of the landmarks of animation, despite being the first film to feature multi-channel sound, despite showing the world that animation doesn't just have to be for kids (even back then Mickey Mouse was waning in popularity, he's never been a strong enough character to sustain an entire feature film) because YOU don't like it, the film should never have been released. Now that is the height of arrogance, not to mention ignorance. I'm only 36 and I know about this film so your age is no excuse. Incidentally Disney had thought about filming Fantasia in widescreen and also doing some parts in 3-D but with a production cost of well over $2million it didn't happen.
ihc - If he doesn't like the film, then he doesn't like it. He's not alone in his view.
I suspect he's alone in not liking it simply because a) it's old and b) it isn't about what he thought it was about, neither of which is actually a legitimate reason for not liking a film.
Although having said that a colleague's girlfriend won't watch any film older than she is. She's 26. I'd suggest that isn't a philosophy anyone should aspire to however.
The fact that it was the first to have multi-chanel sound etc. doesn't in itself make it a good film.
Yes, because that's the only thing that makes it a classic. It's a landmark in animation, showing that it's not just for kids, it's arguably created the music video 40 years before pop music did it but it does require a little thought.
He's already admitted his comments were a bit of an exaggeration
And then repeated them anyway!
but still you go on calling him arrogant and ignorant, makes for a lovely forum.
The truth hurts sometimes. He twice called for the film not to be released simply because he doesn't like it, in what way is that not arrogance? Sounds like the dictionary definition to me but hey, if that makes me the bad guy, I'll live with it.