Exposure monoblocks


New member
Dec 9, 2015
I have just added 2 exposure 3010 monoblocks to my rega mira3 but it's made no difference what so ever, is it possible the pre out on the Mira is faulty? The source is solely a gyrodeck and a dynavector phono stage
The Mira 3 is an aged integrated, it has only got one preamp out. Just how have you got monoblocks attached to that?

My feeling is you're going to have to upgrade the Mira to a decent preamp.
Al ears said:
The Mira 3 is an aged integrated, it has only got one preamp out.

It only needs one pre-out. Left RCA goes to left monoblock, right to right one. You are thinking of stereo power amps. *wink*
Vladimir said:
Al ears said:
The Mira 3 is an aged integrated, it has only got one preamp out.

It only needs one pre-out. Left RCA goes to left monoblock, right to right one. You are thinking of stereo power amps. *wink*

Quite right. Please ignore my post.

Although I still believe the problem is the Mira. Decent power amps, and I believe the Exposures to be just that, will add nothing to the sound quality but they should control the speakers better. The only way to really improve sound quality is to improve the preamp.
"I have just added 2 exposure 3010 monoblocks to my rega mira3 but it's made no difference what so ever,"

I believe Vladimir has already asked a wise question. If you have good and uncritical speaker, you can run 4 monoblocks, you will have no sound improvement whatsoever. If your speakers are powered enough, they are powered enough.


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