Expensive equipment stand worth it?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'd like to know if buying an expensive equipment stand is worth it.

Will I hear a big difference between a Townshend VSSS and a Norstone Piu for example?
Well, according to What Hifi you will. I have no reason to disblieve them, particularly as when I got a stand (Target, about £200) I was surprised and delighted at the difference it made over stacking my kit ontop of a cupboard.

I suspect that in reality an A/B comparison between Townsheand and Norstone would be, challenging shall we say!
No one has ever made A/B comparisons? I'm interested in hearing more opinions please.
My personal opinion is that speaker stands, which are supporting an object which has moving drivers, have infinitely more effect than any difference equipment stands make. As long as your electronic equipment is stable then why would stands make a difference - it just won't effect the flow of electrons to the amp - I can see it being more important for a turntable, but as long as your equipment is on a flat level and well supported with any ventilation it needs, then substituting one rack for a table will make jack all difference. Admittedly I haven't tried any at home, but I could discern absolutely no difference when I moved a amp on an one of those expensive isolation platforms, to the carpet to see what effect it had using a 2 metre ic.
Btw, sorry for saying definitively it will make no difference, because for others it might, and I assume by the fact that you're looking at changing your stand for sonic reasons that you've detected subtle differences before to the music.

It's just that i) I can't really understand how an equipment rack can make a difference large enough to be discernible compared to a solid piece of non-specialist furniture, and ii) the couple of times I've tested to check, the results have backed this up.
That's what I thought. I mean it's 1700 euros for the most basic (2 shelves) Townshend vs the Norstone Piu (3 shelves) at 399 euro. So for 3 shelves of Townshen I'd pay around 2000 euro. If it won't do much sonically I'd prefer to keep 1600 euros in my pocket.
I would have thought for that price difference, you may be better spending the cash on other upgrade(s) rather than the rack, which although will likely make a difference, you will probably get a larger improvement from upgrading hardware itself.

Not sure what you have your kit on now ..... but if you get the cheaper rack, you can improve it (perhaps) by using some Stands Unique Carbon Fiber Isolators under the kit, or similar ......
I apologize in advance to all you true believers. I know you are good people for the most part.....but.....

It's soooo ridiculous. This is why audiophiles get so much criticism from the non-audiophiles. If there ever was proof positive that we are a bunch of fools, believing in phatom self delusion, this is it. Equipment racks don't sound different, period. If they seem to sound different, then obviously, your ability to discern differences is impaired or inadequate. Which should also be obviously true.

Equipment racks should be sturdy, functional, and pretty. Done. Find the cheapest one that meets those 3 criteria and it will sound just peachy.
I'm sure WHF did a blind test recently on racks ..... 3 different stands, from regular furniture 'upwards' and DID highlight differences.....

I'm sure someone will tell me if I'm remembering rightly or wrongly!??!
The best way to "stack" HiFi is to have a gap between each unit, since the transformer and coils in equipment interfere with each other. A Naim Fraim is a classic example of an improvement in quality!
Hi SlickenSmooth,

I've only every bought one stand in my life so take my opinion as simply that. The stands I purchased were from Quadraspire and they made a huge difference to the sound of my speakers, all in a very positive way.
Hi SlickenSmooth,

I've only every bought one stand in my life so take my opinion as simply that. The stands I purchased were from Quadraspire and they made a huge difference to the sound of my speakers, all in a very positive way.

Ok so it was a speakerstand? I was more directing towards equipment racks. But thanks for your reply. I DO believe that speakerstands make much more of a difference.
If equipment racks don't sound different, why does my sound system sound much better/different now that I have made an isolation platform.

rack/isolation. Same beasts?

Yes, you do not need to spend a lot on a rack. But the right rack DOES make a sonic difference.
I changed from a good quality Metal/glass stand to a silly priced torlyte one.I can now listen all day to music rather than having to stop after a couple of hours.Whether it's to do with resonance ,reflection or vibration I just don't know,but I know the change gave me the biggest improvement I could have hoped for.Four years on I am still happy to stick with it.


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