Excessive speaker cone excursion while playing vinyl?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have noticed that my speaker cones move much more while playing vinyl, as compared to CD at the same volume. The cone moves back and forth even through silent passages between tracks on vinyl. I assume it is because of the record surface irregularities picked up by the cartridge. However visually the tone arm does not seem to oscillate much.

I am wondering if anyone has observed this. Can it damage the speakers? Would like to hear expert opinions on this from felllow forum members. My system is detailed in my signature.
could also be caused by rumble. if you can see the cone moving in and out, it's pretty low frequency. chk if the motor is excessively loud or vibrating too much.

if you can see the tone arm moving up and even as the cone moves in and out, then warped vinyl is to blame.

Also try to isolate the turntable by placing it on an isolation platform or just simple gadgets like rubber, felt or cork footers.


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