mogsie said:
reading all this makes me wonder to what extent the placebo effect could have to play in this ? if somebody genuinly believes it is improving sound quality will they believe they are hearing it ?
In short, very much so, but.....
- Sometimes the difference is imaginary
- Sometimes it's real
- Sometimes different people pick up on subtitles that are missed by others.
- Sometimes, one person's "day and night" is another's, "marginal at best".
- Sometimes people say they hear a difference (or get talked into hearing one) because of peer pressure......I was at a Chord cable demo recently, where they were (among other things) showing the difference made by better shielding and plugs on the same cable. With each upgrade, everyone in the room was nodding wisely at the improvement, due to being prompted by the person doing the dem.
IMO. The improvements were far from easy to hear on a short burst of music, and it was only when they got to mad priced stuff that I could hear a marked difference, but it was only on the Sarum Tuned Aray, that I actually liked what I heard.
Was it the price that made me hear a difference?........possibly, but i don't believe so. My ears haven't yet let me down when selecting the kit that I have, so i have grown to trust them over the years; though I don't expect anyone else to do so, without doing their own trials.