Error Correction on iTunes


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Sorry if this is a bit of a daft question, but I was wondering if ticking the 'Error Correction' box in the 'Import Settings' window of iTunes will improve the sound quality of my CDs which I rip into my computer. I presume it checks if any data is missing, and then re-reads the disc to get it. Well, if I'm wrong, please enlighten me.

Many thanks. 
Yes, that's pretty much it, though it doesn't compare data with other people's rips to ensure bit-perfect quality like Accuraterip does.

With a perfectly new CD, it shouldn't make any difference at all. With older, damaged discs it gives it a better chance of getting an accurate rip. Be warned that on Windows it can increase rip times quite a bit - on a Mac it's fine.
JohnDuncan:Yes, that's pretty much it, though it doesn't compare data with other people's rips to ensure bit-perfect quality like Accuraterip does. With a perfectly new CD, it shouldn't make any difference at all. With older, damaged discs it gives it a better chance of getting an accurate rip. Be warned that on Windows it can increase rip times quite a bit - on a Mac it's fine.

I use Windows, and it starts off slow but then flies after a few tracks, which leaves me asking does it stop doing error correction after a few tracks on a CD?
JohnDuncan:Yes, that's pretty much it, though it doesn't compare data with other people's rips to ensure bit-perfect quality like Accuraterip does. With a perfectly new CD, it shouldn't make any difference at all. With older, damaged discs it gives it a better chance of getting an accurate rip. Be warned that on Windows it can increase rip times quite a bit - on a Mac it's fine.

I find that itunes error correction still leaves me with a number of CDs that I cannot import and I really do take care of my CDs. I like to sound of Accuraterip, any more info on it JD?


JohnDuncan:Yes, that's pretty much it, though it doesn't compare data with other people's rips to ensure bit-perfect quality like Accuraterip does. With a perfectly new CD, it shouldn't make any difference at all. With older, damaged discs it gives it a better chance of getting an accurate rip. Be warned that on Windows it can increase rip times quite a bit - on a Mac it's fine.

I find that itunes error correction still leaves me with a number of CDs that I cannot import and I really do take care of my CDs. I like to sound of Accuraterip, any more info on it JD?


The free EAC includes it.
Yup, and dbPoweramp does it as well I think. There's something for the Mac that can do it but I forget what it's called and it looks scary - XLD or something.....
Tried Accuraterip via the dbpower site and it did not work on the CD that has been causing the problems. But since it cost 10p from a jumble sale I shall just chalk that up to experience!

Thanks again.


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