The Eltax Monitor are said to be an excallent speakers. With 5 stars from What HIFI they seam to be a good buy but how their performance compares to B&W 685 or Monitor Audio BR2? Are they just a good buy or really good equipment?
Not sure that's a fair comparison, given that the Eltaxs are a mere 70 notes at RS. I've had mine for 5 years and consider them the best money I've ever spent on hi fi. Excellent built, and sound befitting a speaker costing 200 at least. Lovely.
I bought mine for 30 notes on eBay and I am quite pleased so far. Although I haven't heard any other speakers to be honest and I have nothing to compare to. I was asking in terms of pure sound performance, disregarding their price.
Hmm, fair enough. I don't have anything to compare them to either, but I would hope that the B & Ws in particular would sound a lot better. I've been toying with the idea of upgrading my Eltaxs, but I seem to have become rather attached to them. By the way, the Monitor IIIs benefit considerably from going on proper stands. Although these will likely cost you rather more than you paid for the speakers themselves.
I've had these for a few years and they've always sounded too boxy for me. They don't compare with the 'Denon' micro speakers that came with a mini-system (which are re-badged missions).
So do the Denon Micro speakers sound better than the Eltax? I think the Eltax monitor 3 won some awards a few years ago? Also not many standmounts are ported at the bottom.