I downloaded a WMA Lossless decoder from Microsoft (actually dates back to 2003 and decompresses into a new WAV file) and decoded a WMA Lossless file I purchased from Linn and I to my ears the decoded WAV did not sound *quite* as good as the original WMA Lossless.
I'm beginning to think there are some holes in accepted lossless theories.
With all due respect LOL!
Is this a wind-up? Surely. How do you think the PC plays the WMA Lossless? Well, first it will decompress it on the fly into a WAV equivalent PCM, which will then be converted to analogue. So how can this sound better than converting the whole file first to WAV (and then playing it without additional conversion)? So now WMA lossless > WAV, and mp3 128kbps > mp3 320kbps?
1. You're obviously not a very good reader are you? I never said WMA Lossless > WAV. I just said decoding a song from a purchased WMA Lossless album from Linn into WAV did not sound as good as the original WMAL file that's all. I used a free decoder from Microsoft. I am not talking about a WMAL rip from my own CDs.
2. How sure are you that when playing WMAL through WMP it is 'getting decoded into WAV'. This is the first I've ever heard of this. This is simply an assumption on your part and may not be true. WMP could be playing WMAL directly as a valid audio format, WITHOUT decoding into WAV.
I want confirmation from Microsoft that WMP decodes WMAL into WAV when playing. I haven't read anywhere about this.
1. You said that a WMA lossless file converted to WAV sounded better. It should sound the same unless you actually turned it to a compressed WAV file using a compressor. The decoding should have just decoded the file to a WAV without any compression. I can only go on what you said and you didn't say that you managed to mess up the decoding. The age of the decoder should not have an impact on this as its not rocket science. The technology has been around for years. So yes WMA lossless > WAV is rediculous as both will result in the same PCM data stream feeding your DAC.
2. I said it was getting decoded to a WAV like PCM. The DAC in your laptop will convert a PCM bitstream to an analogue signal. No DAC I know of will be converting a format such as WMA lossless directly. This means that any player will first extract the PCM bitstream. A WAV file basically contains a PCM bitstream. Check it out on wikipedia if you want to know more.
In any case you seem to be really poorly informed. If you want proof then do some reading rather than just making authoritative posts on things you seem to know much less about than most. You only seem to support your arguments with subjective preferences based on reproduction on a very poor quality setup. Some people struggle to detect the difference between a compressed audio file and an uncompressed one on very expensive setups, using external DACs, quality amps and speakers, yet you somehow manage to detect differences between lossless formats (which have been proven to decode to the same PCM stream) on a laptop. Honestly ....
I composed a reply to manicm. Then decided it wasnt good enough to post.
I'm glad i did.
My hat is off sir.