I think this section on the Turnmeup site gives us some hope things may improve in the near future .
An international standard has been developed to ensure that in the future,
the loudness war will be irrelevant.
This standard was developed by the
International Telecommunication Union, and is called
ITU BS 1170-2. This international standard is being adopted regionally – for example in Europe by the European Broadcast Union (
EBU R128) and in the US via
ATSC A/85.
These initiatives clearly define new ways of measurements –
Loudness Units and
Loudness Range – with both long and short-term measurements of both.
More importantly, these standards come with
recommendations for average loudness, and these are being
legally enforced across Europe and the US. It’s no great leap to see these same standards being adopted by software and hardware developers in the near future.
Does This Mean It’s Suddenly Illegal To Make Crushed, High Average Level “Loudness War” Style Music?
But it means that in future,
that kind of music won’t play back any louder than anything else, unless the user chooses to turn up the volume.
And in those circumstances, music that’s mixed and mastered as it always used to be, before the Loudness War, sounds better. You can hear it for yourself,