dvd and dac?


New member
Jul 26, 2011
Just got myself a Denon dvd 2930 which sounds great and has an amazing picture. Ive just picked up a very cheap Musical Fidelity x-24 dac which i was considering connecting up with the dvd player. However im not sure if it will work as the coax and optical outputs are going to be putting out 5.1 or 7.1 sound. does anyone have any experiences of such a setup? Although these dvd players are superb, they are a bit of pain in butt to set up. If you dont have one .......be warned!
I've tried it with my Panasonic hard disk recorder into my Naim streamer. You have to configure your source to output stereo PCM on the digital out and it'll work. The sound wasn't that great for TV / movies and a proper AV amp beats it hands down.


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