does speaker wire matters?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

currently im using "sammotion AWG20" speaker wire for my set-up (marantz m-cr502 and bose201) - 3 meters each. its my friend's excess wire. i think it's a cheap one since i couldnt find it in the internet.

i want to replace it with expensive one, if it really matters. 1] does expensive speaker wires really improve the quality of the sound? or it will only avoids atenuation? 2] if ever it will improve my system, please recommend what kind of wire and gauge should i need to produce.

thank you...
You'll get lots of very different and sometimes extreme views on this...

... but speaker cable is the accessory (not source, amp or speaker) that makes the most difference in my experience.

Judging by your system though I would not spend a lot on better cable. Far better to use the money to save towards better components.