My music love has always been there from a young age but never came into being till a I bought my first personal music player. When mp3 players first came out, I would travel to school with my sennheisers, go to bed and falling asleep with music playing all night. Then came the day when I got my first car, past my test and had enough money for my first sound system.
This to me was the music I had been waiting for, yes! I was that young yobbo coming down your high street, shaking your seats and shattering windows. This to me was music, driving in my car and listening to my 'bangin' tunes! 😛
But then came the time when I was in Dubai for a holiday, walking into an open demo room playing through a Harmon Kardon Hifi seperates and JBL Floorstanders. I was blown away by the soundstage and clarity. I had no idea what I was looking at or hearing, hifi was not in my dictionary then. Dad explained to me, with a rather smug haven't heard your music, till you've heard through hifi.
Since then, I've done my fair share of reading and when the time came when I could afford it, my first hifi was bought only a month ago.
I would say, at a young age I was a bit arrogant in terms of what was best. No point spending that much money on 'high quality' kit, watts is what mattered. Ah what a silly boy I was. I LOVE HIFI!!!
Firstly, my daughter has a "My Little Pony"-type MP3 player from Argos. She played with it for about a week but I haven't seen it for about a year. Obviously bored with it fairly quickly, so no real point at this stage for a system with an MP3 stage or IPod. She uses my headphones more than me. I could rig up my old Arcam Alpha but that would mean buying a seperate tadio or tuner.
This amp is a tuner/amp with a headphone socket and will probably cost no more, inc. carriage, than £70.00.
Chebby's suggestion isn't practical in the short/medium term, not at £300.