Do I need a new interconnect?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Having converted to a dedicated headphone system, the only component of my original rig still in service is my Ecosse interconnect. It cost around £50 and was an award winner in its day (circa 2001). I doubt it's deteriorated, but the competition seems to have moved on and with a rather more revealing system than my old Sony/HK/B&W setup, I was wondering if it was worth investing in something more exotic to hook CDP to amp.

And if so, what would you recommend?


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Hi ajrduff. Has the upgrade bug bitten or is there something about the sound you are not happy with? My last upgrade between CDP and amp was attenuated interconnects from Russ Andrews. They match the output from the CDP with the input to the amp and gives a better volume control. Click here for a link and you can more information on how it works. The basic Tonik with attenuation is £79.00. You need to contact Russ Andrews with your CDP and amp details for them to work out the attenuation needed. It worked for me and my old setup benefitted from the better volume control.


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