Ditching the Denon

No particular reason other than it isn't used much these days. All of the radio I listen to is Freeview via the TV and occasionally Google Alexa. I'll keep it in case the Sky box crashes, which has happened on occasions.

Even dinosaurs like me move on. 😋
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I’m listening to BBC Radio 3 internet radio on my Linn right now, via Airable. Must admit with the moderate signal here in the Usk valley my days of FM fanaticism are numbered.

Always seems weird that decades ago the pips on medium wave were perfect, but via the internet are delayed!
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Medium wave hasn't been used in decades. Even FM is often patchy despite being reasonably close to Wrotham in Kent. But Wrotham like where we are located, the North Downs is a giant undulating barrier, signal often determined by the weather.

Love the sound of FM but not the unpredictable nature of trad signals.
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FM (good external aerial and rock solid reception) internet radio, bluetooth, AAC, doing the lot here and not a 🦖 to be seen anywhere. Currently listening to Sir Alan Lascelles diaries via a Bluetooth speaker (Roberts Revival iStream 3 and my iPhone).
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FM (good external aerial and rock solid reception) internet radio, bluetooth, AAC, doing the lot here and not a 🦖 to be seen anywhere. Currently listening to Sir Alan Lascelles diaries via a Bluetooth speaker (Roberts Revival iStream 3 and my iPhone).
Chebby Chebby Chebby. 👍


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