New member
Jun 7, 2008
I was thinking of changing my TV to a 32" LCD but having now visited a couple of show rooms I am very disapointed with the standard BBC picture, no where near as good as my dear old Sony TV.

I will only need a new TV for the standard channels and DVD's so think I will forget the idea for a while.

When digital arrives in my area am I correct in assuming that the standard channels will be an improvement on what we receive today, especially on LCD TV's?
I hate LCD TV's and I think most frequent visitors to these forums may just have figured that out by now, and I too am yet to see a LCD that could beat my old Toshiba 36""CRT that My DAD now has for standard TV broadcasts.Personally I would get a slightly larger set and go for the Panasonic TH-37PX80 Plasma as IMHO it offers a far more pleasing picture allround compared to a LCD.As for Picture quality improving when you start viewing via the TV Digital Freeview tuner, Generally speaking YES there will be a noticible improvement but this is very dependant on the quality of the transmission (ITV 2,3,4 spring to mind!)


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