Digital or analog

Apr 16, 2015
Hi all, I'm about to purchase the pm6005 and cd6005, would i be better to use the DAC on the CD player and use analog connection or the amps DAC and use digital connection? thanks
It is unlikely to make much difference. It is the same DAC in the amp as in the CD player so no variables there. I'd suggest an analogue connection from CD to amp, leaving the digital input on the amp free for something else which could benefit from it more, like your TV or games console etc.
I'd second matthewpiano on that one. Could never work out why you'd want to pay for a DAC in an amp if you are going to buy the matching CD player anyway. Perhaps the should also produce a cheaper DACless version of said amp.

Oh, also welcome to the forum Chris.
Al ears said:
I'd second matthewpiano on that one. Could never work out why you'd want to pay for a DAC in an amp if you are going to buy the matching CD player anyway. Perhaps the should also produce a cheaper DACless version of said amp.

Oh, also welcome to the forum Chris.

It would cost more for them to produce 2 different amps.

A DAC chip costs almost nothing, and a simple connector?

But yes, I would probably go for the analogue out leaving the input free. In the end though, why not simply try both?
fr0g said:
Al ears said:
I'd second matthewpiano on that one. Could never work out why you'd want to pay for a DAC in an amp if you are going to buy the matching CD player anyway. Perhaps the should also produce a cheaper DACless version of said amp.

Oh, also welcome to the forum Chris.

It would cost more for them to produce 2 different amps.

A DAC chip costs almost nothing, and a simple connector?

But yes, I would probably go for the analogue out leaving the input free. In the end though, why not simply try both?

Yes, I did mean that as a bit of tongue-in-cheek. They obviously have to make the amp look more attractive to potential purchasers (more toys) especially those that are not considering running a CD player, be it theirs or any other manufacturers.
The new Cambridge CX range seem to have thought this through.

All the amps and recievers have dacs built in and the CD spinner is a dedicated transport.

Only thing missing is a simple network media player with digital outputs, no need for analogue outs at all.
If you are going to use the dac in the pm6005 why not choose a cheaper cd player, eg Marantz cd5005 or Yamaha S300 and connect via digital.


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