Devialet with vinyl


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2011
The current Devialet thread mainly covers the very many speakers you could use with a Devialet, and there is nothing wrong with that!

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with using the Devialet for good old vinyl playback?

With my old system, I had some albums which sounded significanly better using my vinyl copy in comparrison to the same album on CD. This was with my trusty old Rega Plana 25 aniversary, with Dynavector DV 20 (we are up to 40th aniversary now!)

Now with the Devialet, it would seam that the Dac is just so good that the CD verion now sounds significanly better than the vinyl.

The obvious answer is that I need a better turntable / arm / cartridge. But what to buy? Or what even just to audition.

Last year I did get the chance to have a brief listen to an Orbe SE / SME V / Ortfon Cadenza blue. I was dissapointed, it sounded ok, but rather harsh and thin, almost more surface noise than music. (I'm still not sure that the Dev was correctly set up for this one)

Another time I heard "Dark Side of the Moon" on 180g with a Pro Ject Signature and the Ortofon Cadenza Black. This was mesmerising, I kind of forgot about all the Hi Fi analysis stuff and just enjoyed the listen. OK - Fine, so that is what to buy? One snag, it's best part of 12K.

So now I am looking to shortlist what is worth a decent audition. Has anyone got any actual experience of any Turntable / arm / cartridge combos with the Devialet. If so, is there anything out there that get close to or beats the Devialets Dac's own performance with CD. And south of 12K if possible!

On a more general note, any experience of simply setting up the cartridge loading, output etc. with the Devialet. I know that I needed to experiment a little with this. And does anyone use an external phono amp rather than the Devialets internal digital equalisation?

Any relevent information would be splendid!
Maybe you just need a new phono stage!!!

the same happen to me when i upgrade my amp!

Believe me there is no rong with your TT and no need for a better one!
Point taken Matt! Although I am still debating what to use as the front end for the Dev on the digital side. I am currently streaming from a PC using hard wired ethernet. The results are superb. However, would it be better with a Naim HDX or similar? Or is that just a good way of wasting cash? Whatever you use it's just a file delivery system for the asynchronous DAC? So would a Pioneer N50 be much worse than a Naim? I must admit I am a bit fed up of using a PC for music. i.e you turn the computer on to listen to music for a while and end up updating software or something for half an hour!
BrianRostron said:
Point taken Matt! Although I am still debating what to use as the front end for the Dev on the digital side. I am currently streaming from a PC using hard wired ethernet. The results are superb. However, would it be better with a Naim HDX or similar? Or is that just a good way of wasting cash? Whatever you use it's just a file delivery system for the asynchronous DAC? So would a Pioneer N50 be much worse than a Naim? I must admit I am a bit fed up of using a PC for music. i.e you turn the computer on to listen to music for a while and end up updating software or something for half an hour!

Get a NAS and just use the Internal DAC on the Devialet, it's one of the solutions...
Hi-FiOutlaw said:
BrianRostron said:
Point taken Matt! Although I am still debating what to use as the front end for the Dev on the digital side. I am currently streaming from a PC using hard wired ethernet. The results are superb. However, would it be better with a Naim HDX or similar? Or is that just a good way of wasting cash? Whatever you use it's just a file delivery system for the asynchronous DAC? So would a Pioneer N50 be much worse than a Naim? I must admit I am a bit fed up of using a PC for music. i.e you turn the computer on to listen to music for a while and end up updating software or something for half an hour!

Get a NAS and just use the Internal DAC on the Devialet, it's one of the solutions...

I think Mr Outlaw has it right. I've also been debating what to use as a digital front end. Currently I alternate between a Cullen-modded Sonos via SPDIF and piping from my NAS direct into the Devialet via USB. Of course, your route -- PC via internet -- is just as good. Indeed, in theory hard-wired ethernet is the best form of connection: a pure data stream with no possibility of clock jitter (theoretically a problem with SPDIF) or noise from a power supply (theoretically a problem with USB).

I can't see any benefit in using a hi-fi streamer, except if it comes with a super-duper user interface (as good as Sonos). I haven't found one yet. So for the moment I'm sticking with what I've got. As you say, the results are superb.


Hi-FiOutlaw said:
Maybe you just need a new phono stage!!!

the same happen to me when i upgrade my amp!

Believe me there is no rong with your TT and no need for a better one!

Not so sure about that, Outlaw. My dealer told me about a customer, who bought a Devialet 240, and used an überexpensive Esoteric phonostage for his TT. After trying the Dev's own RIAA correction for a couple of days, he ditched the Esoteric.

@ Brian: your underwhelming Dev + TT demo could well have been due to a suboptimal RIAA programming...
BrianRostron said:
Point taken Matt! Although I am still debating what to use as the front end for the Dev on the digital side. I am currently streaming from a PC using hard wired ethernet. The results are superb. However, would it be better with a Naim HDX or similar? Or is that just a good way of wasting cash? Whatever you use it's just a file delivery system for the asynchronous DAC? So would a Pioneer N50 be much worse than a Naim? I must admit I am a bit fed up of using a PC for music. i.e you turn the computer on to listen to music for a while and end up updating software or something for half an hour!

Brian, when streaming over ethernet, how do you play your music? iTunes? IIRC you can't use the Devialet as an outboard soundcard (like thru USB), or can you?
Am I right in thinking whatever analogue source you pump into the Devialet gets converted into digital? Perhaps it's not a system to get the absolute most out of analogue, though I am purely speculating here.
James7 said:
Am I right in thinking whatever analogue source you pump into the Devialet gets converted into digital? Perhaps it's not a system to get the absolute most out of analogue, though I am purely speculating here.

Yes, that's right, though there are some folk over on the 'Wam using Devialets with very high-end TTs.

I'd venture to say that, assuming the Dev is properly set up, it's ADC would be inaudibly transparent.

I was at the Bristol show yesterday and had a chat with the guy in the Devialet room. His experience is that using a Devialet via eathernet with the AIR software gives results that are virtually identical to using a high end streamer or HD storage device, such a Naim NDX or similar. So this backs up the theory, plus some of the previous posts here.

Interstingly, KEF were demonstrating the Blades at Bristol in a system costing a little over 100K (inluding a 24k Avid turntable set up). On the digital side they were using Moon amplification and Dac. However, ultimately, this was being run from an Apple lap top. So thats over 45 grand worth of amp and DAC running from a lap top.

So inconclusion, I could start to look at some kind of NAS set up. Or I could get an Naim NDX or similar, but this would be a bit like throwing bundles of cash out of the window.

As a final point, I thought Kef's 100k Hi Fi demo was a little disapointing. Had I heard that demo last year I would not have considered the Blades even worth shortlisting for further investigation or a dealer audition. And this is a comment from someone who bought a pair last November!
BrianRostron said:
As a final point, I thought Kef's 100k Hi Fi demo was a little disapointing. Had I heard that demo last year I would not have considered the Blades even worth shortlisting for further investigation or a dealer audition. And this is a comment from someone who bought a pair last November!

FWIW. I have never got on with Moon amps, so I can quite understand this. Hifi is so subjective, that throwing money at a system certainly doesn't guarantee you will like it.

I bet you are enjoying your Devialet + Blades though........ :rockout:
BrianRostron said:
I was at the Bristol show yesterday and had a chat with the guy in the Devialet room. His experience is that using a Devialet via eathernet with the AIR software gives results that are virtually identical to using a high end streamer or HD storage device, such a Naim NDX or similar. So this backs up the theory, plus some of the previous posts here.

Interstingly, KEF were demonstrating the Blades at Bristol in a system costing a little over 100K (inluding a 24k Avid turntable set up). On the digital side they were using Moon amplification and Dac. However, ultimately, this was being run from an Apple lap top. So thats over 45 grand worth of amp and DAC running from a lap top.

So inconclusion, I could start to look at some kind of NAS set up. Or I could get an Naim NDX or similar, but this would be a bit like throwing bundles of cash out of the window.

As a final point, I thought Kef's 100k Hi Fi demo was a little disapointing. Had I heard that demo last year I would not have considered the Blades even worth shortlisting for further investigation or a dealer audition. And this is a comment from someone who bought a pair last November!

A good way to start is to connect a NAS drive to the Devialet via USB and use the NAS's own audio streaming software. Most NAS drives now come with an audio package which you can control from a smartphone or tablet.

Matt - Yes I need to start investigating all this NAS stuff, I think it looks like the way to go. However, I have been having a few (non hi fi related) problems with my PC this morning, so buying more PC type kit is something I'd best not think about at this exact point in time!

Cno - You bet correctly, I am ideed enjoying the Blades with the Dev. When you spend that kind of cash, you expect to have a few dark moments of doubt or dissapointment. But no! Not one, I am loving this system every time I use it. Even when the source material is poor, that is a poor quality master of good music, it is still an ejoyable listen. Then when master, music and everything is good, it is absolutely sensational, there have been a few times that it has put a big grin on my face and you can't ask for much more than than that. 5 months slog travelling 'round the country visiting various hi fi dealers for auditions last year eventually paid off!
BrianRostron said:
Matt - Yes I need to start investigating all this NAS stuff, I think it looks like the way to go. However, I have been having a few (non hi fi related) problems with my PC this morning, so buying more PC type kit is something I'd best not think about at this exact point in time!

I know what you mean, but a NAS is a pretty simple device that's designed specifically to supply stored material across a network. Once set up, it should be very low maintenance.

Do you have any experience of NAS software? I quite like setting up laylists etc., and ipad control would be a must have to get me to ditch just using a PC.
BrianRostron said:
Do you have any experience of NAS software? I quite like setting up laylists etc., and ipad control would be a must have to get me to ditch just using a PC.

I use a Synology DS213J. It comes with an audio package, Audio Station, which can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet. I find the iPad app works fine. It allows you to set up playlists.

Having said that, Audio Station is pretty primitive compared to the Sonos user interface, for instance.



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