Densen hifi problems


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Having had an unlucky streak with Densen gear I would like to know if others are having the same (or similar) issues:

1) Had a Densen integrated amplifier B-150 - the background noise (a very audible hizz) was way too high for comfort and annoyed me every time I turned the thing on. When listening to quiet music or at low levels the noise just could not be ignored :-(
Eventually Densen agreed that it was the volume control design that was flawed, and I "upgraded" (read: exchanged) it with a B-175, which leads me to:

2) Densen integrated amplifier B-175: When receiving this unit there was a rather loud buzz in one of the channels. Densen initially stated that this was due to the ring transformer being rotated slightly during transport, and that this issue was easily fixed. It took them more than 4 weeks before they returned the unit, and the problem was still there - marginally better, but still annoying. They have now admitted that this is caused by poor power supply design and claim that they are now doing a redesign to fix the issue, but seeing is believing and I have yet to receive any word of this redesign being done :-(

3) Densen CD player Beat B-440 - the CD transport (the tray if you like) is ticking... Densen has swapped the drive three times (last time the unit did not even play when they returned it to me - great job Densen!), but has now admitted that this is the way the rather cheap transport is, and that nothing can be done about it. There are several users on Densens own site that complains about this :-(

In all, the above indicates both poor design and poor testing of the products - my recommendation is to not by Densen gear unless you have tested it thoroughly and decided that you can actually live with the flaws.

Any one else have experienced similar problems?
I've had a Densen B-400 cd player for just over ten years now and it's been back to Densen twice (once after about three years, and a second time just last month).

I know (from forums etc) that the firm's reputation for reliability and testing isn't up there with the best, but in their favour I've found them better than virtually any other company once they realise there's an issue with kit. Both my repairs were conducted free of charge and the postage from Denmark back to me was also picked up by Densen (remember this is on a bit of kit over 10 years old now).

I think most issues are to do with the company size - you don't get the dedicated personal service of 1 (or one-and a-bit man bands - like Avondale or NVA) but nor do they have the customer service infrastructure/organisation you'd expect from the likes of Sony to Naim level companies. A particular bugbear for me is the sometimes lengthy delay in replies to email. Having said that, once you get into a dialogue with someone I've found them to be great, friendly and helpful.

Also, despite listening to many cd players (inc much more expensive Naims) none beat my B400 (except the B400XS which I loved), although I haven't heard the 410/420/440. Basically I'm willing to sacrifice top brand reliability and customer service efficiency for a great sound and a great waranty. Note, I don't have the 'ticking' you mention so maybe transports were changed?

Hope you get to a happier position with your system anyway!


The danes must love their ticking hehe. My older (early 90's) B&O cd player has the same annoying ticking sound when spinning discs. Only an issue when playing at low level at night but still annoying.
I've had a Densen B-400 cd player for just over ten years now and it's been back to Densen twice (once after about three years, and a second time just last month).

... Note, I don't have the 'ticking' you mention so maybe transports were changed?

The 400 (and XS and Plus) are all using a Sony drive which Densen can no longer get their hands on so yes, the transport has changed :-(

I agree with you re. earlier Densen gear - one of the reasons I bought this stuff in the first place. Unfortunately it seems that their current designs are more flawed; maybe development/testing has been cut as part of the crisis?

Anyway, I am also hoping for a better solution, but so far nothing has surfaced.
You could always sell the 410 and buy a used 400/400+? Probably break about even and Densen are good at dealing with owners of second-hand gear if it were to develop a problem later. I'd still like a 400xs - one sold recently (still unopened!) but it was far more than I could afford.

"I agree with you re. earlier Densen gear - one of the reasons I bought
this stuff in the first place. Unfortunately it seems that their
current designs are more flawed; maybe development/testing has been cut
as part of the crisis?"

- sometimes companies experience 'growing pains' which temporarily affect quality - maybe the Densen body-count grew on the back of the earlier successes.
I've had some problems with my Densen cdp 420. I have a humming noise at high volumes and it fails to hold tracks in the memory for reply via programming on the gizmo. Have yet to contact Densen, as the company I bought it from no longer stocks them.
Hi all,

I own 15 years of Densen products.

I have had:




Drive DP02 DP

Drive XS DP 06 DP

DM-10 (13 years and still I have)

B400XS (11, serial number 007 and still I have)

Never, none gave me problems. Special mention to the DM-10 and B400XS running smoothly from day one. Moreover, I had a problem with a transport company with my Densen DM-10 and kindly solocionar my problem as the speed and transferring to spare their obligations.

I have only good words to Thomas Sillesen and his team.

The servicing and care is simply a luxury brand.


I have been using Densen Technology products since they were first brought into this county when Russell Kaufman was the sole UK rep. At the time, around 1995 I was trialling integrated amps in the £500 - £1000 bracket, and the Beat 100 wiped the floor with the competition in the way it delivered sound as it was simply better and smoother than anything else in the market at the time. From there I was hooked on this unknown Danish brand. My original B100 was totally faultless for the 2-3 years or so when I had it. I was the first customer to use the B300 100W p/c power amp. Now this from the off had a bit of a loud/buzzy transformer, however without quibble Russell replaced it for one of a slightly different design that was quieter on the mains but a tad slightly softer in sound presentation. The reason for this was down the the fluctuation in the mains etc - that apparently wouldn't show on a clinical test-bed situation but a potential real-life ptoblem, though arguably the original transformer may have sounded better ultimately. So I used the B100 and B300 in a bi-amped configuration and it worked brilliantly. Some years after this in 1997 I decided to try try the top of the line DM's - fatal since as soon as you hear these you simply will not give them back. So traded the B100 & B300 for a DM20 and weighty, hand made DM30. When my new DM's got delivered in the post, the DM20 was damaged on route to the distributor. The large volume knob had sadly sheered off. I know now that DM20's dont travel - but if you do you must remove the knobs first to save damage. This situation was quickly rectified, as well as the acrylic front on the DM20 replaced as there was a resultant tiny mark caused in the volume control incident.

In 2000 I bought a B400 CD player and that worked faultlessly. At around this time I had an offer to buy a further DM30 at a reduced price - went for it. Now bi-amping and of course the equipment always stays on. In about 2004 I received an offer from Densen to upgrade the B400 to a B400 XS for the difference in price...absolute bargain so I went for that. In 2006 I was testing different loudspeakers in a shop that sold Densen equipment. Though the sound was good they thought the sound of the amps sounded a little off or thin to what they were used to, so they kindly offered to send the DM20 and 30's back to Densen Service to be breatheed on - and (after some post damage teething issues) when they arrived back they reported a small issue with an IC on the DM20 and the 30's were checked over - the sound as ever was amazing and even weightier. In 2007 the transport on the B400XS was beginning to mis-track. As the transports will suffer w&t it is inevitable that this will happen. Incidentally the transports are all heavily modified Sony units with glass optics. Apparently due to the make up of the design of the player and the connectors used by that transport only that design of transport can be used in the B400 series range. The later designs use a different design of transport hence the two are not interchangable. I was told at this time that Densen keep a whole stock of spares for the B400 players so they should be able to keep them serviced for years to come. When the player returned from Denmark the transport was quieter, tracked quicker and the player sounded absolutely amazing. So as matters stand in 2014 I still have the B400XS, a DM20 and two DM30's - powered on constantly and have been on over all these years. Reliable? Absolutely.

Have I been tempted away? I have heard the baby Krell integrated amp years ago and I would say that it has a phenominal performance and comes fairly close to the sound quality of the Densen combo, so if I lost it all somehow I might be tempted there if I really wanted a single box solution. Otherwise I am extremely happy with what I have. The only issue that I have heard from dealers with Densen equipment is to do with the degree of variance between equiment. Now this is not new in the hifi industry and always tends to be there, however some believe they note it more with Densen. Very subjective really and I can not comment onn whether it is right or not but thought I would add that here, but would also say that if any Densen equipment doesn't sound as it should get a second opinion and if it is agreed that this the case have a word with Densen - they are always professional and friendly and will sort anything like this out as afterall they have the best warranty in the business.
Andy Clough said:
No reason why not if there's still an interest in the kit concerned.

Because it's pointless and that's not how discussion works. I saw a thread recently where someone asked what speaker's another member had bought and the thread's last post was over 2 years ago maybe more. The person who had started the thread hadn't been active in over a year since the last post and another member pointed this out.

I know that some threads can act as point of reference and can run for years but "if there's still an interest" doesn't work for me with this thread or my example. Start a new thread and keep it current and fresh.

Anyway just one opinion.
I have a B310+ power amp for Densen. It is dead quiet, works flawlessy and matches so well with my Dynaudio Focus speakers that I no longer feel the need to upgrade. I now have music playing in my room, not equipment.
With regards to the densens

I Have a Densen Beat amp and have had the Densen B-400 CD player for several years. To be honest it’s never really worked as it should. Like I say in my mail to Densen I’ve had my CD player back in the shop aprox 8 times. (Lost count) The only alternative suggestion I get from Densen now is the reduced price for buying a new CD player whilst this one has never really consistently worked. Unfortunately I don’t have more than a thousand Euros sitting around to update. Not only that but the wife is fed up of my complaining about the CD not working. Purchasing a new Densen could lead to my wife taking out a part exchange on a new husband.

Shame that something that looks that good is now just gathering dust looking pretty but not producing any sound – Shame!!

Under is the mail exchange between me and Densen. Friendly enough but doesn’t help. Still can’t play any CDs
Hi G I'm sorry to hear all the trouble you had have with your B-400. All the problems you mentions are well know to me, with the old B-400. But I'm afraid I have more bad news for you. I'm sorry so say, we can not repair it, because the manufacturer of the cd transport / laser have stopped making them many years ago, and our stock of spare parts are used. But we have an upgrade program for people with this problem, you can trade in your old B-400 for at new B-410XS, B-420XS, B-440XS or B-475 Super Leggera at a reduced price Model normal price reduced price (all prices is in DKK. not including shipping) B-410XS 11200 7840B-420XS 14800 8800B-440XS 29500 17700B-475 49995 25000 The good news it the new models have a much longer life span on the CD-transport and Lasers.
Best Regards

KDService Technician
Densen ApS


Sendt: 4. januar 2016 20:45
Til: Densen service
Cc: Densen service
Emne: Densen B-400 CD playerDear Densen
Regards Densen B-400 CD player

I bought my Densen player a number of years ago ( may even be more than 10 years ago) at in Eindhoven in the Netherlands. It may even have of been one of the first models. At the time it was a large investment for me. Unfortunately it has had to be repaired more than approximately 8 times (lost count) and has not consistently worked throughout. With exception of the first and second time I have had to pay between €75 and €125, euro’s each time. Each time the same range of problems:

1. The buttons on the front don’t work.

2. The draw does not eject meaning that I have to switch the machine of and on tap It and sometimes try to softly force the draw open

3. The CD is not registered and does not play, again after switching the machine on and off several times it eventually plays.

The quality of the playback when it works is very good and is esthetically beautiful. I often am asked what make and model and if it sounds as good as it looks. My reply is generally yes but the embarrassing part is when I try to play something and again it fails to perform.

Now the CD does not register any CDs, The buttons have again failed and the only way I can (sporadically) open the draw is using a universal remote control. The machine now plays no CDs. The machine is sitting there looking pretty but unfortunately totally useless and does not work at all.

The shop in which I bought has unfortunately gone bankrupt and other dealers seem reluctant to help.

Please could you advise me what the best way forward is? I’m not after money just a good piece of Hifi that consistently works and fits the good reputation of Densen. Something I and your company can be proud of

Please help!



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