OK guys, the quest for a media PC continues... I'm looking at the Dell Zino HD - as can get one with Blu-ray drive, 1TB disk, HDMI, 6GB memory and ATI Radeon GPU with 512MB of memory - for just under £600
Question is, should I go for it? The plan is to put it in my AV cupboard and use it to rip CDs (et al.), stream video to my Kuro and act as the share for my Sonos. Down the line I'll get a big NAS - but the 1TB disk will do to start. Is it going to be too noisy, should I go for something else? Is it too noisy?
Comments / suggestions / experiences of the Zino welcomed.
Question is, should I go for it? The plan is to put it in my AV cupboard and use it to rip CDs (et al.), stream video to my Kuro and act as the share for my Sonos. Down the line I'll get a big NAS - but the 1TB disk will do to start. Is it going to be too noisy, should I go for something else? Is it too noisy?
Comments / suggestions / experiences of the Zino welcomed.