Decisions decisions...MCR610 with floor standers?


New member
Dec 13, 2013
Hello folks – I’m really hoping you can help out with some advice please.

I have a Bose Sounddock10 that has served us very well for a year or so, but ever since Apple changed the dock connector making it a bit of a faff to use with bluetooth, I’ve become increasingly dissatisfied with the sound. Whilst it makes for easy listening, it all sounds a little uncontrolled and increasingly I’m missing the lack of any definitive bass. I’m going to relegate it to the bedroom and would like something better for the lounge.

Basic requirements are:

- Airplay

- Capability to play back MP3 files from USB

- Preferably with DAB and internet radio

- Potentially capable of comfortably driving floorstanders

- Preferably a smaller footprint than separates (so it can be hidden from a toddler!)

- Ideally with smart phone control

My music is predominantly ripped at 192k and stored on my iphone, on a Mac and on an external network drive. I’ve spent literally hours poring over reviews and the MR510 and MCR603/610 all appeal and I’d settled on the 610 but wasn’t impressed when it was demo’d with some Wharfedale 9.0’s although things picked up with some BX2’s. I’m keen for a bit more bass presence but felt daft for asking to try it with floorstanders and they were just closing by this stage. I love the look of the BX5’s and the positive reviews, plus being able to position them next to a wall will also help me out. I’m going back for a proper listen over the weekend but wondered what else I should try?

Budget is about £700ish. Oh, and the room is an open plan L shaped lounge/kitchen/diner, that’s roughly 11x8m that is 50:50 carpet/wooden floor.

Any pointers would be very gratefully received :beer: :cheers:


See my recent 'review' of it (this morning). To summarise, I see no reason why it can't cope with floorstanders unless you start spending silly money on speakers which ridiculously outclass it.
Thanks MajorFubar, I found your post just after I'd started this post - I did look first, honest!

It's good to hear some poisitve feedback and funny I found the lack of a volume dial a tad counter intuitive, but it's one less thing for my lad to play with.

Going for a play tomorrow. Head says wait for Boxing Day, but suspect I'll be coming home with new toys.

I'm sure Chebby will be along in a short while. He has the 603 with Rega R3 floorstanders... and when reviewed by Gramophone Andrew Everard tested the 603 with PMC GB1is and he said it sounded excellent. So I'm sure the 610 will be fine.
2nd hand Neat Motive 2's all the way IMO; more so with your budget!

I had them with my MCR603 as well as Rega RS5's, Monitor Audio RX2's / RX6's and BX5's

The Neat Motive 2's were the best of the lot. Fantastic sound; easy to place with them being downward firing and with an amazing soundstage to boot 🙂

Your MCR610 will drive them with ease... Well worth a punt IMO
d_a_n1979 said:
2nd hand Neat Motive 2's all the way IMO; more so with your budget!

I had them with my MCR603 as well as Rega RS5's, Monitor Audio RX2's / RX6's and BX5's

The Neat Motive 2's were the best of the lot. Fantastic sound; easy to place with them being downward firing and with an amazing soundstage to boot 🙂

Your MCR610 will drive them with ease... Well worth a punt IMO

100% agree, although I haven't heard them with that unit.I went quad, spender etc before I got mine and I don't think you will get better speakers for £700. And yes they don't give a toss about position either, mine are stuck in corners.
letsavit2 said:
d_a_n1979 said:
2nd hand Neat Motive 2's all the way IMO; more so with your budget!

I had them with my MCR603 as well as Rega RS5's, Monitor Audio RX2's / RX6's and BX5's

The Neat Motive 2's were the best of the lot. Fantastic sound; easy to place with them being downward firing and with an amazing soundstage to boot 🙂

Your MCR610 will drive them with ease... Well worth a punt IMO

100% agree, although I haven't heard them with that unit.I went quad, spender etc before I got mine and I don't think you will get better speakers for £700. They also don't give a toss about position either.

They are brilliant speakers; hold their value as well.

Tried QUAD 21L2 and 22L2's with my CR603 but we're just too much (overbearing bass at times but they're fantastic looking speakers IMO)

Personally I wouldnt pay £700 for the Neat's; I'd start at £550 and work my way up from there as he's offering 'best offer'! With their condition I certainly wouldnt pay his £700 asking... Worth starting low and working up 🙂
Thank you all for the advice and insight - it's appreciated. I'm definitely not against the idea of buying used to eek out my budget, but I'd prefer to be able to demo them first. Admittedly the damage had already put me off, but then the Mrs leaned over and veto'd black wood so that may also limit my choices further...

Out of interest d_a_n1979, how did you find the BX5's with that unit?
The BX5's were excellent and I'd highly recommend them

But.... They do need some room to breathe but they've a small footprint so fairly easily placed and with port bungs available this as an added benefit also 🙂

TBH when I demo'd them at home I had some RX6's as well & preferred the BX5's!
sbis said:
Oh, and the room is an open plan L shaped lounge/kitchen/diner, that’s roughly 11x8m

Has it slipped everyone's attention that the OP is going to want to fill a 36 feet x 26 feet open plan space with music? (And with a healthy whack of bass too.)

I would be the first to recommend the M-CR610 to many people where it's appropriate (small - medium sized rooms with fairly efficient speakers and 'neighbour friendly' volume levels).

The room described by the OP has just over twice the floorspace of our living room and I am doubting whether the M-CR610 could muster the necessary 'grunt' required to fill the larger space.

It will come down to how loud the OP likes his music, how far away from the speakers he listens and the efficiency of the floorstanders he chooses.

The M-CR610 is a fine machine by all accounts (and assuming it sounds anything like my own M-CR603), but it can't do everything for everyone in every circumstance.
Good to hear the the BX5's could be a goer. My plan was to put them either side of a sideboard in the corners on the same wall about 4m apart, so they'd have about 1m square of sparce around them. They'd need to sit within 25cm of the wall if possible.

The Sounddock is used principally as background music, but it's more than capable of party type volumes and irritating the neighbours (eventhough we're detached) - I was hoping the 610 would be similarly capable? I don't want to play it overly loud and frankly these days with a toddler and a baby in the house I never get chance anyhow.

It's a shame I can't borrow this kit and try it here, as RS's demo room is tiny!

Will let you know how I get on.

Cheers all
chebby said:
sbis said:
Oh, and the room is an open plan L shaped lounge/kitchen/diner, that’s roughly 11x8m

Has it slipped everyone's attention that the OP is going to want to fill a 36 feet x 26 feet open plan space with music? (And with a healthy whack of bass too.)

I would be the first to recommend the M-CR610 to many people where it's appropriate (small - medium sized rooms with fairly efficient speakers and 'neighbour friendly' volume levels).

The room described by the OP has just over twice the floorspace of our living room and I am doubting whether the M-CR610 could muster the necessary 'grunt' required to fill the larger space.

It will come down to how loud the OP likes his music, how far away from the speakers he listens and the efficiency of the floorstanders he chooses.

The M-CR610 is a fine machine by all accounts (and assuming it sounds anything like my own M-CR603), but it can't do everything for everyone in every circumstance.

sbis said:
Good to hear the the BX5's could be a goer. My plan was to put them either side of a sideboard in the corners on the same wall about 4m apart, so they'd have about 1m square of sparce around them. They'd need to sit within 25cm of the wall if possible.

The Sounddock is used principally as background music, but it's more than capable of party type volumes and irritating the neighbours (eventhough we're detached) - I was hoping the 610 would be similarly capable? I don't want to play it overly loud and frankly these days with a toddler and a baby in the house I never get chance anyhow.

It's a shame I can't borrow this kit and try it here, as RS's demo room is tiny!

Will let you know how I get on.

Cheers all

The BX5's will be fine in those locations 🙂

Dont compare the Marantx to the sound dock either; chalk & cheese 😉

The Marantz/ MA BX5 combo (if you go for that) will seriously impress you IMO and you'll forget all about the Bose!
Thanks Dan, that had almost made the decision for me unheard. I went into RS for a demo but there isn't a BX5 in stock nationally according to their system and they're on hold until next year. I did get chance to listen briefly to some Q Acoustics 2050i speakers which were impressive in a small room though the advice was not to place them against a wall and that's the only place I can put them really.

Any other suggestions for speakers I should look at? I nipped into SA but got the distinct impression that £800 of business wasn't worth discussing!

You may want to add the KEF Q500'S to your audition list and the Dali Zensor 5's.

Both are very capable speakers and would work well with the little Marantz. KEF use marantz equipment to show their Q Series, and I've heard those Dali speakers with a marantz amp and they sounded great.

Both worth a listen.....enjoy!
I'd suggest you have a listen to the Focal Chorus 714 with that budget. They have them in RS I believe. With their reasonably high sensitivity it should make them even easier for the 610 to drive.

If you decide they're too expensive then the previous generation (714v) can still be bought new for a massively reduced 379, so definitely worth considering!
Thank you all for the invaluable advice and suggestions - I've finally got my hands on a shiny set of bx5's and spent most of the day in awe at the sound this pairing with a 610 produces. Out of the box the sound is terrific, none of heat harshness I was concerned about but plenty of detail. Fingers crossed as they run in over the space of the next few weeks things will only improve. Bass response is tight and plentiful without being boomy in their temporary home in corners within 15cm of the walls until the decorations have gone.

It's no fault particular to this set up, but it really does highlight poor quality (bit rate) tracks so the initial hardware expense is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of rebuying music. Hey ho.

Many thanks again. Cheers and happy listening.


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