Damn Cbeebies Logo!!!!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a Panasonic TX-P42G10 and a 2 and half year old daughter who is adamant that she is going to watch 'CBeebies' at 6pm every night of the week..... now how the hell can i get rid of that static logo in the top right of the screen before it becomes permanant feature of my new plasma!!!!!

I put a blu-ray on the other night and whilst loading i noticed that logo in the top corner...and then proceeded to shout and scream words that are not going to be mentioned here, the programme she watches is on for nearly an hour every night and starting to cause arguments...due to the fact its going to ruin my latest piece of HD equipment.

Firstly i'm going to buy 'Freeview' box for the other TV,so if anyone knows of one that isn't going to keep freezing or whatever it is their suppose to do..please tell me which one to buy and do it quick please.

In the meantime i need some sort of reassurance that the new technology behind the screen is going to save my beloved TV.

Don't panic - First things first check your setup of your screen with the optimiser found on star wars DVD's etc. (sounds like you may have settings to high ) also WHF Video here. You shouldn't have an issue we watch Five ETC. for hours back to back NCIS , CSI etc. and no probs on my last years Panny

Was paranoid at first but sonn forgot about logos. Never even seen retention and burn in shouldnt be an issue just keep settings low for first 200 hours then recalibrate ..

I used to have a Panasonic plasma a few years ago, never had a problem with screen burn, and yes some times legt it on the same channel for more than 1 hour.

A friend of mine did have some screen burn on his tv recently and he bought a copy of Pixel Protector which has some screen washes on the disk, this did clear the burnt in image.

just turn the contrast way down when that channel is on , she shouldnt notice ,although with kids these days you never know , lol , and your less likely to notice any image retention ...
I thought the answer would be obvious, buy a cheaper smaller tv & watch cbeebies on that, you can get a decent tv for £500 for eg. a panny 32LZD80 for five hundred pounds at comet or the panny L32X10 for under £440 at amazon, lasky's & 1staudiovisual.
Had exactly the same problem with a DVD, Mary Poppins I think! The film finished and it went to the menu screen for too long and I had a nice image seared onto the screen. The way round it was to go to terrestrial TV and de-tune a channel to static and make sure the 'blue screen' option was switched off. After a short amount of time the image dissapeared. I have the same issue with Sky when it changes to a PIN protected film, the blue bar appears on the bottom of screen and if you forget it can become a bit of an issue, doesn't seem to be a way to stop if from happening.

slewis:I thought the answer would be obvious, buy a cheaper smaller tv & watch cbeebies on that, you can get a decent tv for £500 for eg. a panny 32LZD80 for five hundred pounds at comet or the panny L32X10 for under £440 at amazon, lasky's & 1staudiovisual.

Thats' a good idea slewis but just having forked out £2000 for new tv bd & stand i don't think another £500 on another tv is a viable one unless your going to buy it for me?
if you are on about the logo in top left this should change every 5/10 mins,think it spins round to another logo and back again,if you mean the top right one that normally says play and is for the red button,just press backup on sky remote or the equivalent on freeview remote etc.this makes the dreaded red button logo disapear.my 2 year old watches beebies,disney all day from morn till 6pm on my 37px10 and we dont even have image retention but that top right red button logo is a killer if you dont get rid of it
It's the 'play' logo - top right of the screen, Freeview is a integral feature of the tv so i only have a tv remote and it doesn't have a back-up or equivalent button, cheers.
On my tv with built in freeview I press the green button and it clears the play in the top right, this works for most freeview channels. This is on a Panasonic LCD.
timblakey:On my tv with built in freeview I press the green button and it clears the play in the top right, this works for most freeview channels. This is on a Panasonic LCD.

Yes there will definatly be a button on your remote that will remove the anoying red dot on my Samsung its the return button. Try all the buttons till you find the right one!
Thank you

It is the 'green' button that gets rid of the said logo, just have to make sure the other half remembers to press it when i'm not there.

I thought this kind of thing was no longer an issue, having two kids myself who always watch the usual sky kids stuff........ makes me sway more towards LCD now.

Do other owners of plasma screens find this an issue or is this a one off thing ?
i have a plasma and can honestly say i haven't had a problem with image retention.its not the logo that is the problem here anyway it is the red button reminder that is very bright and i suppose if on same channel for hours on end could be a problem but if i ever see these on any channels i just press back up on remote and they go and i do this even on my lcd as why would i want to watch a program with a silly logo in the right corner when i dont have to.

never had a problem with any channel logos and i game regular with my ps3 too.cracking tv's

Fatwaz, there's a menu setting you can adjust to remove the red button prompt after a set period.

At work just now and can't remember which menu it's within on the SKY menu.


Go into sevices, then "system set up" then "picture settings" and turn on the "on screen icon timeout" category then -----save new settings. This makes the red button dissappear after 20-30 seconds, when you go into a channel which offers interactive services .
My kids often watch CBeebies on my plasma, sometimes for hours at a time. No burn in to report.


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