Cyrus System with Spendor s6e

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I would second that. I have just this week bought some Maplin 2.5mm "bass cable" that has transformed my system. I thought i was happy before with the sound, but in truth i found it a little bright and tiring. This was using £10 p/m Chord cable. Now i wish i'd made this change a few months ago. I had previously demo's a different source, VDH Interconnect and even some old Tannoy speakers. The speaker cable swap had a much bigger impact. Even more of a bonus as it cost me about £35!
bowiebexley:I have recently bought Mission Audio RS 8 and Roksan Kand K2 amp and CD. From the reviews, I really wanted the Cyrus system components, but was left very cold on listening to them. Exactly what you describe - cold, tinny, flat. When I auditioned 'my' system, however, it was expansive, warm, detailed etc. Frankly, I really really wanted to like the Cyrus, but upon listening, I really can't imagine who would like to listen to Cyrus. I did speak to people prior to the demo and they said that Cyrus used to sound this way 10 years ago, but now sound different. My experience was different. If you really want beautiful HiFi that you can immerse yourself in, Cyrus is not it. I want beauty and musicality, an expansive soundstage and detail. That's what I now have. O, and the RS8s are fabulous. I have a 20msq room and I was worried that they'd be bassy, but they are not - they are amazing!

I am not surprised tbh. The Cyrus and MA RS series simply do not go together. I guess one in ten peeps will see it as an acceptable combo but for most the metal tweeters on the MAs result in tinitus inducing shrillness. Marry the Cyrus kit correctly and it sounds great so your comparison is not particularly useful as what you had was what I would see as a text book bad combo (the Cyrus / Spendor being the ideal combo).
thanks everybody for your fantastic advice. I will be changing the cable soon and poss interconnects as well. will consider looking at cd player but watch this space and thanks again its been fantasticaly helpful.
Consider changing the amplification before the CD player. I'd try a Supernait or above. Naim amps are an excellent match with your speakers.
Consider changing the amplification before the CD player. I'd try a Supernait or above. Naim amps are an excellent match with your speakers.

The problem is that so should the Spendors.

Do give the speaker cables and i/cs a try though possibly by borrowing from a friend or a dealer - that way you will have nothing to lose. Let us know how you get on.


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