Cyrus and Proac speakers?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, Am looking at trying some Proac response d2 speakers in the coming weeks, and was wondering if anyone has both cyrus and proac speakers? If so, what do they sound like, as I am after a smooth presentation, but maybe a bit more get up than my spendors? Appreciate your comments, Phil
666 posts PBS!

I'm sure you'll fine the D2's will go extremely well with the Cyrus, and you'll find it quite an upgrade from the S3e's. Good luck :[)]
Ahh Im the devil!!

Well my GF sometimes thinks I am lol.

Im trying to find somewhere in birmingham to demo them with my cyrus kit, especially iof they have interest free available. My GF would like some Pandora charms to finish her bracelet so I dont get all my money to spend, damn.

Are you in Cov?
Thats good now, not the devil anymore, so can relax at night time again...
Might try and pop in to see you in the next few weeks David.

Used to live in cov, but your building looks way to posh for the parts of cov I lived in whilst at uni there ;-)

If you want to hear the D2's let me know as we would need to borrow a pair - the D2 isn't currently part of our extensive speaker range....
Just checked your demo site bit of the website and it says they are not in the range so will phone you.

I know, used to live in Hillfields back when the riots and shootings were on! It taught me how to run very fast....!
potboyslim:Just checked your demo site bit of the website and it says they are not in the range so will phone you. I know, used to live in Hillfields back when the riots and shootings were on! It taught me how to run very fast....!

David should thank the Germans...

The street he's based in was the epicentre of the worst single night of the Blitz (14th November 1940), yet the area was flattened with only a few structures left standing.
Wish they would come back and bomb the whole ring road as they could start again then! Who the hell designed it, its rubbish to drive or cycle round....
potboyslim:Wish they would come back and bomb the whole ring road as they could start again then! Who the hell designed it, its rubbish to drive or cycle round....

This is the modern world...

Coventry was re-built on the same premise as all our wonderful 'New towns'. A nightmare to navigate.
potboyslim:Wish they would come back and bomb the whole ring road as they could start again then! Who the hell designed it, its rubbish to drive or cycle round....

Well if you'd cycle round it, you're a braver man than me!!
cycled it for 4 years and only got knocked off once by the intersection by the police station and the ring road.

Anyway back on track of upgrading the speakers lol.

PS Coventry is really nice in the dark, honest.
Was hoping to hear from some people who have both of these products or even people who have the speakers... Can someone help please?
No more said then.... I am sure that people have listened to them enough in your shop and the comments have been good, so listening time it is in a few weeks then. Cheers Frank, sorry David ;-)
Saw the proac response d2 today with the GF and she thinks they are to big for the bedroom which I sort of agree with. How do the D1 versions (baby brothers of the d2) stack up against standmounts out there for about £1500?

Would they sound good with cyrus as well david or anyone else?
Cyrus and Proac might highlight the top end a bit if you're used to your kit. Now if you're willing to find a Sugden A21 then you'd have a match!
Well, the Response are rather smooth, so they should be alright, but you indicated earlier that they had to be close to the wall. And while the D2s are front-ported, the D1s aren't. That could be a problem...

Your right they are rear ported. Oh well lets try and talk her around to the d2's then...


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