Cyrus 8vs2 vs Quad 33/303 upgrades?!!


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi All,

Having had to give my old Quad 34/306 system back to my dad, i'm currently using a Quad 33/303 system with one channel blown on the preamp. I'm using mission 773e speakers, which to me are honest, verging on slightly clinical, but with tight punchy bass and great for voices. I've saved up a few pennies and could do with your advice. I would like to get a new amp system either by renovating the Quad 33/303 with the well known net-audio products (for the preamp this is £251 and for the power amp MKII this is £220 or MKIII, which is a redesign of the power amp, £350), which apparently brings the Quad right up to modern scratch, or buy a cyrus 8vs2. The upgradeability of the Cyrus really appeals, and while I realise the sound might be quite clinical with my speakers, I like what I've heard it produce in the shop. However, the Quad has a phono stage, while the cyrus doesn't, which is something i'd need to deal with after a little while to run my Project Debut LP deck. Does anyone have experience of both these systems? How does / would an upgraded Quad 33/303 compare to an intergrated Cyrus 8vs2.

Given, that in a few years I might change speaker, would I be better going for a Cyrus?

Or would i be better taking a risk on the Quad upgrades? What other options are there? My budget is really a maximum of £800.

Advice greatly appreciated!




Go for the full Quad upgrade. It will leave the 8vs2 in the dust, just like my 405 upgrade does. David Pritchard from Netaudio is a very talented chap and you won't regret his products.


About 25 yrs ago I modified my 33/303, even fitted a separate power supply unit. It transformed it into one of the most detailed, musical amps I have ever heard. (Hairs on the back of your head standing to attention!)
Combine it with a quality sub and you will not wish to upgrade it ever.
It might not be the most fashionable to look at but the sound it will make is beautiful.

It is one of the classics and for the money nothing will get close.


It makes me slightly nervous not being able to audition the net audio products. Could you tell me a little about the sound? I previously enjoyed the Quad 34/306 sound, but didn't find it without fault. It was particularly believable, revealing and enjoyable when listening to lieder, like the Wintereisse or piano accompanied English folk song. I find that high voices in English choral music, could occasionally be tremulous and merge into one another. Also, soundstaging could be a bit tight, in orchestral or larger choral works. The 33/303 I have is in a poor condition and needs renovated to get to know it. I really don't know how it will compare to the 34/306! Also, how will carrying out the net audio upgrades on a 33/303 compare to my old 34/306 unrenovated system? Have you directly compared your systems to a cyrus 8vs2? Is the difference so stark, and sonically, where are the differences?

Also, I've asked similar questions on the hifichoice forum, and there is some scepticism from someone who has used the net audio upgrades that they make any difference at all! That concerns me given the financial outlay! Can you put my mind at ease about that?




Also, I've asked similar questions on the hifichoice forum, and there is some scepticism from someone who has used the net audio upgrades that they make any difference at all! That concerns me given the financial outlay! Can you put my mind at ease about that?

Good grief, they must have been deaf or had defective units. My Netaudio 405 doesn't sound anything like my original 405. It's more open, very neutral, airier, punchier, deeper, more focused and boy the detail level has sky-rocketed. I haven't even tried the better op amps yet.

I think the biggest disadvantage of the Netaudio products is that you can't trial them first. Thus, it all comes back to risk and your view on the outlay. Frankly I couldn't wait to give it a go and I am pleased I did.

No, I haven't directly compared my amp to a Cyrus 8vs2 in my system. The Cyrus is a good amp if you like it's presentation. I think my Quad's presentation is more neutral and detailed with tighter bass. Sorry I can't be more objective.


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