Cyrus 6XP & EB Acoustics EB1. Good combo?


New member
Sep 9, 2007
I just ordered the EB Acoustics EB1 Loudspeakers and now thinking about an amplifier that will bring the best out in them. I heard somewhere the Naim Nait 5i would be a very good match, any thoughts? How about the Cyrus 6XP? Also are these amplifiers the right price range for these speakers? Are they best suited to budget amps £200-£500 range?

Regards Danny
I think the Roksan Kandy would be a good match and worth a demo
The EB Acoustics EB1 speakers definitely punch above their price for performance, so you're right to think of £700-£800+ components to hear them really sing. We did find the Naim pairing of the Nait 5i amp (£770) and CD5i CD player (£895) worked particularly well as a system with the EBs, but you should certainly try Cyrus, Roksan and others if you get the chance.


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