Connecting A Power Amplifier


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've just acquired a Linn LK100 power amp (hopefully arriving in a day or two) to go with my Linn Classik (an early model with no tuner). Connecting the two simply seems to be a matter of feeding the Classik's preamp out into the LK100. However, I was wondering what happens to the internal power amp section of the Classik if I do that? There doesn't seem to be any reference to disabling it in the I missing something? I'd hate to damage something out of ignorance...

Thanks for any light you can cast on the above.

I don't know the specifics of that amplifier..

But if you leave the old power amp hanging then it will amplify still. More significantly, you will alter the pre-amps percieved power amplifier input impedance. Probably won't effect quality, but you may end up with it being louder or quieter per knob notch than you expect. My old 8000A was separateable... but you are required to do a small amount of soldering on the main board.. cut away these two resistors and fit two more here and here. Full instructions on how to do it in the manual.

no explanation as to why there is a preamp out, poweramp in port on the back to go with this.. but no fitted switch to change between the two. Hopefully your amp handles this a little more intelligently.

hmm, knob notch, I like that term😉
Yikes. I hope there is a simpler method for the Classik / LK 100 or one or both will be heading in eBay's direction...
Biamp them instead. You won't be sorry. The detail, soundstage, in fact everything should improve measurably. It did with my Arcams.
It's a thought I suppose. I'd still like to know how just to feed the LK100 from the Classik's preamp out without damaging the Classik's poweramp section though.
I'm not talking about bi-amping ever again...

(well maybe that's not entirely true...)
[quote user="anthgonyi"]
Ruark Prologue One


Jim's right - biamp, using the Classik to drive the treble drivers in the two speakers, and the LK100 for the bass drivers.
...and not using identical power amps to bi-amp isn't a problem? Somehow I'd always had it in mind that it would be...
One of the beauties of buying a 'matching' amp from the same brand is that the amp in the system and the new amp are gain-matched, so there'll be no problems.
Ah OK, that makes sense to me.

Thanks all for the advice so far. Do I take it I need to go back to Linn on my original question (it bothers me not knowing!)?

Thanks again.

I think you should look at this in these two ways:
  • If they put the pre-amp out on the back and there's no switch or anything to turn off the power amp, or to set it up for bi-amping, then that's a pretty irresponsible thing for them to have done. Real "don't eat the apple" stuff.
  • The other way I'd look at it is this - if you're at all unsure then how much does a phone call cost? And how much did the amplifier cost?
Yes, I quite agree. I've mailed Linn a few days back and not had a response yet...thought I might come across someone who's already found out the answer on these forums (although I realize it's a pretty specific question).

I'd kind of assumed that the power amp stage would be disabled in the absence of speaker connections...Then I thought about that further and realized it was quite a big assumption and that I had no reason to think it other than it seeming common sense not to allow the amp to grenade itself just because the manufacturer-provided pre-amp out functionality was being used.

Thanks all.

I am looking to do the same with my 2nd system please let me know if it worth the extra £150 for LK100.
The LK100 will be here tomorrow, an answer from Linn hopefully by the end of the week. I'll let you know then.
Thanks mate. Many moon ago I had a Klout and I thought that was the best power amp on the planet so the LK100 should learn a thing or two from the old master.
For completeness, and for the sake of anyone searching for it in future, here is the reply I received from Linn to my original question:

"The power amplifier within the Classik is still operational when using the pre-output, however, it is not necessary to have a loudspeaker cable connected to the Classik. Certainly, if your loudspeakers are bi-wireable you could use LK100 and Classik in conjunction to bi-amp the loudspeakers (LK100 on the treble and Classik on the bass). Please refer to your loudspeakers owners manual for system configuration prior to connection or consult with your Linn retailer if you are unsure in anyway."

Now I just need to understand bi-amping a little better...

To respond to Thaiman's request above.

My system is now as follows:
  • Linn Classik + LK100 (CD + amplification)
  • Pro-Ject Xperience turntable / 9c tonearm / Ortofon Rondo Red cartridge / speedbox
  • Dino/Dino+ phono stage
  • Ruark Prologue One loudspeakers (bi-amped)
  • Linn speaker cables, VDH interconnects.
The addition of the LK100 has provided additional weight and attack to the sound, certainly a noticeable and worthwhile (albeit perhaps not profound) difference. For the price of a second user LK100 I'd say it's been a decent and cost-effective upgrade for anyone with a Classik that they're happy with and looking to squeeze a bit more out of.

Thanks to all those that offered advice and opinions in response to my original post.
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
One of the beauties of buying a 'matching' amp from the same brand is that the amp in the system and the new amp are gain-matched, so there'll be no problems.

what about if the pre-amplifier is a different brand from the power amplifier for a pre-power set up?
If the power amp suited to your speakers then the preamp is not as important (as long as you get a good one!)


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