Connecting 1 pre-amp to 2 power-amps


New member
Jan 30, 2015
Hello everybody.

This might be a no-brainer to some of you, but I'm not the greatest with Hifi technics.

Can anyone help me with a solution to connecting 2 power-amps to 1 pre-amp (or integrated amp) independently of one another. I want to do this because I have one set of speakers in my bedroom and one set in my living room and would like to be able to turn the sets on and off independently of one another. And as far as i can see, pre-amps only have 1 pair of phono out channels.

I've tried looking for kables/convertes which can convert the phono output into two, but has been unsuccesful in doing so.

What I'm looking at gear wise is 2 second hand NAD C270 power-amps and I haven't yet decided on a pre-amp

Hope my explenation makes sense and that someone can help me.

Best regards

No problem. you can get splitters that are basically RCA connectors connrected with cable, or another type that are like a solid metal block with the RCA connections on them.
You can also keep your eyes open for a pre-amp with two pairs of outputs, not uncommon, the Nad C165 BEE has two sets for example, as do plenty of others.

Another option is to buy a big Nad integrated, the C356 BEE for examble, use this to drive one set of speakers and a power amp to drive the second set.

Loads of ways to do this......*good*


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