Comparing your kit on Ytube....


New member
Feb 19, 2012
Hello everybody, hope you're all fee.....oh why bother?

Anyway, any of you guys ever listen to set ups on YouTube that have the similar or the same kit as you and compare to how it sounds in your set-up.

I know you can't really because of the quality of most of these videos but with a decent pair of earphones you can get a general idea.

I was searching on my speakers the Mission 782se were I found one user who's uploaded a few vids.

Well anyway he looks like he's 'upgraded' to a pair of Rogers 5/9.

He plays the same track he used in one of his vids with the Missions and it's quite interesting. The Missions are an old design now.

In the video the mid range presentation of the Rogers 5/6 is more up front than the Missions but you hear less music.

I may be bias but I prefer the Mission sound I have not commented on his video but I found it interesting.

Any body else do this sort of thing - if so what's your findings on your kit?
Thompsonuxb said:
Hello everybody, hope you're all fee.....oh why bother?

Anyway, any of you guys ever listen to set ups on YouTube that have the similar or the same kit as you and compare to how it sounds in your set-up.

I know you can't really because of the quality of most of these videos but with a decent pair of earphones you can get a general idea.

I was searching on my speakers the Mission 782se were I found one user who's uploaded a few vids.

Well anyway he looks like he's 'upgraded' to a pair of Rogers 5/9.

He plays the same track he used in one of his vids with the Missions and it's quite interesting. The Missions are an old design now.

In the video the mid range presentation of the Rogers 5/6 is more up front than the Missions but you hear less music.

I may be bias but I prefer the Mission sound I have not commented on his video but I found it interesting.

Any body else do this sort of thing - if so what's your findings on your kit?

It's like television ads for televisions. If 'their' new screen quality looks amazing on your screen then yours must be equally amazing.

You'll certainly never know if the system on YouTube sounds better because your own system is the limiting factor.
it's a pretty pointless exercise to be honest. There's way too many variables to even begin to make it worthwhile or bothering with to be honest.
Auditioning systems this way should be fine for those that can't hear the difference between 384 AAC and CD quality 🙂

If YouTube were ever to adopt 16/44, that's all the bits that anyone would apparently need to hear everything the human ear can resolve.

(This is a joke by the way, just in case anyone thinks I'm being serious!)
David@FrankHarvey said:
Auditioning systems this way should be fine for those that can't hear the difference between 126 AAC and CD quality 🙂

If YouTube were ever to adopt 16/44, that's all the bits that anyone would apparently need to hear everything the human ear can resolve.

(This is a joke by the way, just in case anyone thinks I'm being serious!)
I am with the op - I have been following the AVShowreports Channel and the associated pages etc as the guy running it who has worked in the trade for years by the sounds of videos a lot of systems - the camera he uses captures the essence of what being played back

Obviously you only get a flavour of the real performance but he visisted Munich and another few shows and has had them play the same track off the same vinyl on the different show systems.

You can get a flavour of the differences in the systems and I think this could help with what you might like to look at to demo - if you can afford the kit he is testing.
To be honest it's seems like a really dumb thing to do. There's not just the issue with youtube compression, but also the fact that the speakers you want to judge are part of someone elses setup, in someone elses room, set to someone elses licking. The performance of that setup was was than recorded through some mike and digitalized. Than there's the compression from youtube and before you hear it the recording is coloured yet again by your own setup (be it speakers or a headphone).

I just don't see how you can get an even remotely honest impression of what those speakers would sound like for real. The purpose of an audition is to get acquinted with all the subtle quirks of a setup, and compare them side by side under similar circumstances. The nuances in your system and the uploader can cancel eachother or complement each other, for better or worse. I can see getting excited about something because of a video, but I would never be surprised of the real thing just sounded way different.
Thompsonuxb said:
Hello everybody, hope you're all fee.....oh why bother?

Anyway, any of you guys ever listen to set ups on YouTube that have the similar or the same kit as you and compare to how it sounds in your set-up.

I know you can't really because of the quality of most of these videos but with a decent pair of earphones you can get a general idea.

I was searching on my speakers the Mission 782se were I found one user who's uploaded a few vids.

Well anyway he looks like he's 'upgraded' to a pair of Rogers 5/9.

He plays the same track he used in one of his vids with the Missions and it's quite interesting. The Missions are an old design now.

In the video the mid range presentation of the Rogers 5/6 is more up front than the Missions but you hear less music.

I may be bias but I prefer the Mission sound I have not commented on his video but I found it interesting.

Any body else do this sort of thing - if so what's your findings on your kit?
I've listened to beolab 9's and 5's and other youtube videos on my beolab 9's and on an ipad, so my answer would be: yes, I did that. Especially Jaxwired's videos I enjoy very much. Don't care that people say it's not the real thing. It's still very enjoyable when you don't take it so serious.
chebby said:
I have never liked anyone's speakers quite that much!

*dash1* ... I blame it on the missing edit button

Superaintit said:
Don't care that people say it's not the real thing. It's still very enjoyable when you don't take it so serious.

Don't get me wrong. Not saying you can't have a good time with those videos. I just don't think they make for the proper material to do a comparison with.
Superaintit said:
Thompsonuxb said:
Hello everybody, hope you're all fee.....oh why bother?

Anyway, any of you guys ever listen to set ups on YouTube that have the similar or the same kit as you and compare to how it sounds in your set-up.

I know you can't really because of the quality of most of these videos but with a decent pair of earphones you can get a general idea.

I was searching on my speakers the Mission 782se were I found one user who's uploaded a few vids.

Well anyway he looks like he's 'upgraded' to a pair of Rogers 5/9.

He plays the same track he used in one of his vids with the Missions and it's quite interesting. The Missions are an old design now.

In the video the mid range presentation of the Rogers 5/6 is more up front than the Missions but you hear less music.

I may be bias but I prefer the Mission sound I have not commented on his video but I found it interesting.

Any body else do this sort of thing - if so what's your findings on your kit?
I've listened to beolab 9's and 5's and other youtube videos on my beolab 9's and on an ipad, so my answer would be: yes, I did that. Especially Jaxwired's videos I enjoy very much. Don't care that people say it's not the real thing. It's still very enjoyable when you don't take it so serious.

Yeah, I'm a big fan of jaxwired.

But it's a bit of fun, I disagree with some though ref it being a waste of time.

Owning the speakers for example gives me an idea of their strengths.

They excel with midrange and this comes across in these particular videos.

He has a video with some Diamonds and you can hear the drop in quality to the Missions.

Ok, tell me what speakers do you guys any have decent videos.


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