CM5 S2


New member
Dec 2, 2015
Any recommendation in the 685 S2 vs CM5 S2? Can't seem to find many reviews on the CM5 S2
Well the cm5(original) is way better than the 685 (I've owned both)and I've also listened to the 685 s2 against cm1 s2 ,which is also better in every way,so that'll leave the cm5s2 probably in a different league and so is the price.
Strangely it seems to be the only thing I am commenting on at present.

In my experience the CM series are, in the real world, quite demanding speakers. I find that they need some fairly potent amplification to get them moving, othewise (to my ears) they sound flat, undynamic and uninvolving.

The 685s may be less sophisticated, less refined but I find them a more enjoyable listen on more modest amplifiers such as the RA12 that I tried.
It might be useful (for the less educated amongst us) if you could provide some examples of amps or wattages ; stating 'good amplification' means different things to different people.

Not a criticisim BTW
George Hincapie said:
It might be useful (for the less educated amongst us) if you could provide some examples of amps or wattages ; stating 'good amplification' means different things to different people.

Not a criticisim BTW

There are a few threads (one running recently) adressing the subject of how powerful your amp should be. Opinion varies but the consensus seems to be around 300 - 1000 watts per channel on peaks and that the best value comes from amps made for PA systems like those from Crown for instance. (Or Behringer.)

The overall lesson is that any less power will mean risking 'clipping' and - ultimately - your speakers being damaged.
chebby said:
George Hincapie said:
It might be useful (for the less educated amongst us) if you could provide some examples of amps or wattages ; stating 'good amplification' means different things to different people.

Not a criticisim BTW

There are a few threads (one running recently) adressing the subject of how powerful your amp should be. Opinion varies but the consensus seems to be around 300 - 1000 watts per channel on peaks and that the best value comes from amps made for PA systems like those from Crown for instance. (Or Behringer.)

The overall lesson is that any less power will mean risking 'clipping' and - ultimately - your speakers being damaged.

And very cheeky. The thread you refer to does not even begin to say that.
The b&w cm5s2 is basically a 1k speaker,you ain't gonni partner that with a 300 quid amp and expect to get amazing isn't a difficult speaker to drive at only 88db into 8ohms,but an amp with a good power supply really grips the speakers and tells them who's boss.think maybe arcam midrange amps,creek,musical fidelity ,Cyrus and naim.extra watts will help them go louder,but it's the high quality circuitry and fat power supplies that make these speakers shine.oh and the little cm1 s2 are actually harder to drive than there larger brothers at around 84db into 8 ohms.i noticed this lately when my friend and I had to turn the volume up quite a bit on arcam a85/p85 on his cm1 s2 compared to my cm5's to get the same output.
George Hincapie said:
It might be useful (for the less educated amongst us) if you could provide some examples of amps or wattages ; stating 'good amplification' means different things to different people.

Not a criticisim BTW 

Apart from 2nd hand if you are buying new then until you know what to look for in amps and speakers stick to similar budget items. Ie: dont pair kef ref speakers with a marantz pn6005
Animesh Ghose said:
Mark Rose-Smith said:
Yep,the cm range definitely need good amplification,a budget unit can't do them justice.

i think cm s1 were less fussy but with s2 they do need a bit of power to wake them up properly.

I had occasion to audition the CM1 S2 with a friend. The Rotel RA12/CM1 option was the preferred one on budget grounds but was, to our ears, dull, flat and undynamic. The next amplifier tried, suggested by the dealer, was the MF M3i at around £1000, sadly, though marginally better than the RA12, it still failed to deliver the energy and dynamics expected.

This pushed the budget beyond it's limits so the only answer was to choose different speakers.


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