Clearaudio Concept power supply - any ideas?


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Apr 24, 2010
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Morning all. Have just been listening to a few records, and was noticing what I *think* might be a bit of speed fluctuation (ok so it might be old recordings, but bear with me). I lost the power supply that came with the TT, and am currently using a basic, switchable, multi-ended type. Now I know I could replace the belt, and that might solve the potential problem, but I'd like to find a more satisfactory permanent solution to the power supply issue. Does anyone have any thoughts? All help appreciated!


New member
Apr 24, 2010
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Probably wasn't being clear in the early hours. I'm wondering ally, as I have to replace it, if anyone has any ideas as to an improvement. Some kind of linear power supply, for example, or batteries. Otherwise yes, back to Clearaudio...

And thanks, same to you.
Ah got you, something to better it.
Not my field I'm afraid and do not know how much a replacement from Clearaudio is going to cost you.
I have had mates that swear by replacement power supplies from Origin Live though.


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