Cheap Vinyl Storage Solution...finally solved


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
I've finally solved the nightmare I have with storing my records. I should explain that as well as having a Michell Gyro SE I also have decks and mixer and around 800 records. I have most of them stored in Amabilia P100 record boxes like these:

They are really nice but expensive and I have no space to get any more. I was in B&Q and I came across some folding crates. I bought one out of impulse figuring it might come in handy one day. Then I put a record in it and it was a perfect fit! Each one holds around 150 records. Then I came across these heavy duty ones today:

I have a heavy duty plastic storage unit in the garage and I can comfortably fit two boxes on each shelf.

Then I found that Screwfix sell an even more rugged one:;jsessionid=WTBTM1NKMZNQACSTHZOSFFI?_dyncharset=UTF-8&fh_search=43106-11#reviews

You can print off a 15% voucher off everything at B&Q from there website which is valid until Sunday. So since it was my day off I went down to B&Q again and bought a load of crates and two shelving units from Screwfix.

Finally my record storing nightmare has been solved!
fatboyslimfast:I have a couple of these - functional, strong and reasonably priced...

Holds about 600 albums perfectly (~75 per "hole")

Ikea Expedit

yep what i have been using for a few years now.
I have the 4 by 4 "hole" Expedit in beach and love it. It's perfect for me. It doesn't fit Radiohead's In Rainbows 'discbox' though

I have an Ikea Lack unit, not designed to store records but ideal nonetheless. I have always had a problem with purpose-built record boxes. They never allow enough room for PVC sleeves to fit as well and these end up getting squashed down at the top when the lid is closed.

Probably stating the obvious here but with any storage solution, always store records vertically, not horizontally, unless you like ring marks.

EDIT: I just looked at that B&Q link above, posted by the OP and those crates are nowhere near deep enough to store records vertically. My advice is if you value your collection, DON'T USE THOSE BOXES.
Fenton Beasley:
I have the 4 by 4 "hole" Expedit in beach and love it. It's perfect for me. It doesn't fit Radiohead's In Rainbows 'discbox' though


The Ikea Lack shelving unit would. I have a few box sets in mine. I just looked on their site and the light oak finish unit I have doesn't appear to be available any longer.
Firstly I completely agree with you about storing records vertically.

I am using those crates to store records vertically. I must emphasise that I'm using them to store my 12" records for mixing not my LPs /audiophile stuff. These crates are ideal for me as they allow to search through each crate quickly because they the top part is sticking out.

All my LPs are in Amabilia P100 Proboxes. I've never had a problem with PVC sleeves and all of my audiophile stuff is in PVC sleeves. I only have a problem if they the boxes are overfilled.

gpi:I have an Ikea Lack unit, not designed to store records but ideal nonetheless. I have always had a problem with purpose-built record boxes. They never allow enough room for PVC sleeves to fit as well and these end up getting squashed down at the top when the lid is closed. Probably stating the obvious here but with any storage solution, always store records vertically, not horizontally, unless you like ring marks. EDIT: I just looked at that B&Q link above, posted by the OP and those crates are nowhere near deep enough to store records vertically. My advice is if you value your collection, DON'T USE THOSE BOXES.


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