Chain of command...

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Infiniteloop said:
And therein lies the problem with Active speakers. If you want to bypass or add anything, it very quickly becomes very complicated.

Part of this hobby for me is the freedom to box swap and enjoy the difference changing components can make.

Those two paragraphs are somewhat contradictory if you ask me...

Active speakers might be great VFM, but aren't they a little bit boring?


If you want to waste time, energy and money dicking about, you still can, with DACs/Pres/DSP and Sources and even bits of wire if thats your thing....
daveh75 said:
Infiniteloop said:
And therein lies the problem with Active speakers. If you want to bypass or add anything, it very quickly becomes very complicated.

Part of this hobby for me is the freedom to box swap and enjoy the difference changing components can make.

Those two paragraphs are somewhat contradictory if you ask me...

Active speakers might be great VFM, but aren't they a little bit boring?


If you want to waste time, energy and money dicking about, you still can, with DACs/Pres/DSP and Sources and even bits of wire if thats your thing....

If that was true, why is the OP having such issues? After all, aren't you just buying an 'All in One' solution?
'dicking' around as much as the vast majority on here with their endless black boxes. BTW, I didn't use the term first.

Ths OP is not having such problems. I came onto the site to ask for a some pointers from those in the know and with personal experience. Other people generally through their own hang ups either exaggerate or lets be honest about it, **** stir.

I have never ever stated that I view active speakers as a 'one box solution', you may apply that quote to others. I purchased my actives back last summer and around the same time purchased the Yamaha WXC-50 because i was well aware of the issues of limited connectivity etc. I didn't want to be limited to one box does everything, it doesn't, it's impossible. Well perhaps not, ask the likes of Kef, maybe that's a tag line they're using for their new wireless wonders!

As per usual, idiots with hang ups and past grudges come out of the woodwork and basically attempt to ruin a thread. It was made perfectly clear from the start that I sought advice from the likes Gazzip or Ellisgj. Kindly go elsewhere with all the infantile nonsense.

This active verses passive **** is boring now.

i won't reply further.
Infiniteloop said:
daveh75 said:
Infiniteloop said:
And therein lies the problem with Active speakers. If you want to bypass or add anything, it very quickly becomes very complicated.

Part of this hobby for me is the freedom to box swap and enjoy the difference changing components can make.

Those two paragraphs are somewhat contradictory if you ask me...

Active speakers might be great VFM, but aren't they a little bit boring?


If you want to waste time, energy and money dicking about, you still can, with DACs/Pres/DSP and Sources and even bits of wire if thats your thing....

If that was true, why is the OP having such issues? After all, aren't you just buying an 'All in One' solution?

Who said Actives are 'All In One' solution?
luckylion100 said:
I look at people's signatures on here with great interest, some seemingly appear to have an almost never ending list of components. One that especially springs to mind is Gazzips, probably because I've been following his thread on room correction. Again looking at his chain of components I was left wondering about the order of these and the commands sent down the chain eventually to the speakers, which has priority and how is this set? Dacs in particular spring to mind, so many units have them inbuilt these days, obviously these vary in terms of quality and implimentation. So my question is how is it decided on what DAC has the final say at the output entering the speakers?

My own system was intended to be relatively simple, active speakers being fed (originally) from a Yamaha WCX-50 (now deceased and replaced) and a Phono amp feeding the turntable signal. My speakers have inbuilt DAC and pre-amp section which if I'm honest I want to bypass. Things have recently changed, Oppo HA-1 is arriving today (hopefully this one works, see other thread), I hope to be implimenting a cheap version of Dirac Live (when I purchse the software upgrade) The Oppo HA-1, Minidsp 2x4HD and speakers all contain a DAC, plus I've two preamp sections in my chain... The plan was to have the Oppo outputting (rca) to the Minidsp and then in turn that connected by it's four rca outputs to the each stereo speaker (subs included) I'm thinking as the MInidsp is connected to speakers via rca then that bypasses the digital section of my speakers innards but my confusion lies in the two DACs in the Oppo and Minidsp. Apparent the MInidsp operates some form of streaming function (again I've not used this yet, still boxed, just taken some basic mic readings) So if used in this manner would this kick start the MIniddsp's own DAC being the last component before reaching the speakers? I'm assuming if I use rac outputs from the oppo into the Minidsp the Oppo's DAC will be the all conquering and definitive DAC at the final output stage just passing through the Minidsp? If however I feed the Minidsp a digital connection via the Toslink, who rules the roost then? Basically I want the Oppo as my primary Pre-amp, the Minidsp to solely work it's correction magic whilst feeding the DM10's and bypassing any of their internal electrics.

My system is not set up properly yet, as I'm awaiting the delivery of the Oppo today, so my mind is tryig to sort this out prior to set up. Can i just add at present I'm heavily medicated, for pain relief and not thinking clearly so if this rather long winded post has an obvious answer I apologise... I hope some of the above makes some kind of sense.


Yours, of unclear and totally confused mind. LL

Had a quick look at the web site for the miniDSP 2x4HD - and it does not have a digital output, and only has an analogue output.

This means that whatever your preference, to ALWAYS use the miniDSP in the system then you HAVE to use the analogue output of the minDSP, connected to the DM10. The miniDSP must be last in the chain.

You will not be able to use the Oppo HA1 benefit of the ESS Sabre DAC/Class A output stage, and the miniDSP.

The reason - if you pass the Oppo HA1 analogue output to the miniDSP - it needs to perform an A/D conversion, perform the DSP function, and then back to D/A - so any sonic benefits of the Oppo Class A amplifier or DAC section is overidden/modified by the miniDSP A/D and DAC.


Al ears said:
Infiniteloop said:

I'm stuck at Milan Airport and more than a little bored.

Just thought I'd have a bit of fun.

Apologies again.

I can think of better things to do if stuck in Milan airport than to come on this forum...;-)

Infiniteloop said:
Gazzip said:
Al ears said:
Infiniteloop said:

I'm stuck at Milan Airport and more than a little bored.

Just thought I'd have a bit of fun.

Apologies again.

I can think of better things to do if stuck in Milan airport than to come on this forum...;-)


Frankfurt now. Maybe a beer and Currywurst...

That's more like it..... where exactly are you going to end up??

Apart from back at the bar that is. 🙂
luckylion100 said:
just one thing, perhaps I'm typing before actually engaging my brain...

Your Dirac is placed before your DAC within your chain, is this the prescribed order of things as outlined by Minidsp in their top draw systems such as yours?. Doesn't your DAC add a little bit of the flavour, warmth perhaps, a tonal balance you like to what I would assume is the 'ideal' room correction setting according to the Dirac Live software and is implimenting in your system?

I recall, you disliked the Chord dave Dac, so clearly not all DACs sound the same. Of course whatever order of chain of components, if it works for you and it delivers a sound you love all this is irrelevent. Just thinking aloud and I forgot that the higher range Minidsp options come in various guises.


Just picking up on your query in the "What DAC" thread. Which bit of the chain doesn't make sense?
Al ears said:
Infiniteloop said:
Gazzip said:
Al ears said:
Infiniteloop said:

I'm stuck at Milan Airport and more than a little bored.

Just thought I'd have a bit of fun.

Apologies again.

I can think of better things to do if stuck in Milan airport than to come on this forum...;-)


Frankfurt now. Maybe a beer and Currywurst...

That's more like it..... where exactly are you going to end up??

Apart from back at the bar that is. 🙂

Got back home to South Cheshire around midnight. Knackered. Been doing a lot of overseas recently:

South Korea, USA, Germany, Thailand and just back from Italy. All separate trips and all since the middle of January...


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