CDP upgrade


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Have the opportunity to get a new Nad C545BEE or a used Marantz SA7001 KI, at a slightly higher cost, to replace my existing Nad C521BEE. Which would be the best option? Rest of system is Marantz SR5600 multichannel amp, Rotel RB980BX power amp driving a pair of MA S6's. Would either of these be an improvement over my existing player?
The Marantz, on a grand scale in fact. Superb CDP, I can't rate it highly enough. The presentation is superb, bass is on the lean as opposed to plentiful side, but if your partnering equipment offers good presentation, you won't go wrong (my current set-up gives me more than enough).

Midrange and treble are superb; for £600, this was a star at full price, but if you're getting it on a discount, you're onto a winner. Picked mine up just over a year ago and I play it all the time. Build quality is excellent, good solid transport, stereo SACD as a bonus.

NAD make some great kit, don't get me wrong but I know where my money would be going.
Just a quick question. Which other CDP's did you listen to before deciding on the Marantz.
Audio Analogue Paganini, which was another very good player. Depth plundering bass, but Mrs. R_S didn't approve of the overall sound. Think there were another couple, but avoided the sub £500 bracket kit as I wanted a good step-up. Given the approximate £300 difference between the Paganini and the SA7001 KI, the difference isn't huge. The body of the music is a more coherent "whole" with the latter. The AA being more punchy, but without the same midrange capabilities. IMO a good midrange is where it's at so the KI won out. There's just more realism going on.

Another one around the price I would've considered would've been the Exposure 2010s - you can get the original 2010 (which some feel is the better machine) for around £300 in the used sector, or at least, no more than that. Very good player too.
I see that you are using a fairly old amp to drive the Missions. Would this not be a limiting factor in getting the best out of the Marantz?
Not really; in fact, it's been the most musical combination to date.

An amp's age is no inhibitor to the underlying ability to do the job at hand. The Sansui is circa 30 years old, but is easily on a par with the Marantz PM6010-KI it replaced (which I still have and did a side by side comparison earlier this week). The presentation is more convincing and the depth, which was too lean for my taste before, is present now.

The detail, which I always like to hear is there, it's still as good at getting that out but there are more "layers" - vocals are better separated, drums are VERY lifelike (there is a satisfying 'thrum' on a tom-tom's vibration after being struck for instance) and piano sounds like it should.

The overall presentation is very believable - I'm a great believer in synergy. Incidentally, this same CDP and speaker were partnered with an Audio Analogue Puccinni SE amp and that made for too dry a combination.

I don't doubt I can do better than the Sansui, but at some cost, however I would seriously recommend the higher end of the n17 series amps of that generation. The 517 is right up there on my radar now and one I'll certainly look to finding come the time for the next upgrade.