CDP recommendation for use with the Ruark Sabre III and Nait 5i?


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Feb 6, 2009
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My main options are:

Naim cd5i - which I've heard. It's quite expensive but seems a better all-rounder than maybe older 'entry' Naim CDPs.

Rega Apollo - if it's performance matches that which I've heard, it sounds like great value.

Primare CD31

Unison Research Unico CD - has anyone heard this cd player? If I can get it for £825, would you prefer it to the naim. Obviously it uses valves, but I've heard it's got amazing sound staging/bass the lot!

Meridian 507 s/h - some seem to say this beats anything new below a grand.

Cyrus CD6SE (although I think the slightly 'brightness' may not be an ideal match for the Ruarks, but could be worth a listen in light of their critical acclaim, especially from WHF)

I am especially interested in hearing from those who've heard the Unico CD, the Primare CD31 and Meridian 507, because it's harder for me to audition them than the others which are pretty straightforward!



Frank Harvey

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Jun 27, 2008
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The CD5i is the main proposition, and yes, the italic i versions were improved quite noticably over the original i's.

If you think the Cyrus might be too forward, by all means try it, but you may well be right.

The Rega Apollo is quite smooth in comparison, so if this is what you're after, I don't think there'll be a better bet, pother than maybe a Quad 99 CD.

For me, the Naim would be the one - quote neutral but a little more upbeat and lively than the Rega. Do try and get a demo though, as it's your long term pleasure that's at stake here!


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Feb 6, 2009
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Thanks for that! I'm going to do a head to head with the Naim and Apollo next week I think, trying to take price out of the equation, but if I 'enjoy' both equally with the ruarks I'll definitely take the not inconsiderably cheaper Apollo. I haevn't heard the Rega yet, so it will be interesting to see if I prefer their warmer presentation, or just don't really notice significant differences between either!

I don't really know much about Meridian players, but have the chance to get the Meridian 507 (s/h obviously) and wondered whether it was a good bet? Of course I could be looking into DACs and Cd transports, but that's another minefield and one I don't know much about, although one I'm willing to explore. I've been told though that because I only currently have two sources - the Arcam rDock and Bose wave/fm system - that my money might be better spent on just the best CDP I can get for the money.

If I'm looking at s/h meridian cd players, how does the 588 compare to the 507? It would probably cost me £150-170 extra s/h, but do you think it's worth it?


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The Rega Apollo is a fabulous player and it works very well with the Nait 5i (a combination which I've heard). I don't know your speakers so I can't comment on the complete system but I think the Rega Apollo is definitely worthy of some considerable auditioning.

Good luck with it and let us know how you get on.


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