Cd player upgrade.....


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2008
My current system consists of Roksan Kandy K2 amp, with MS Mezzo 6 speakers, and my current cd spinner is the NAD C545BEE, I think the Nad is the weakest link in my system, and was thinking of picking up a 'new' used model over on e-bay, I was thinking of either the Arcam CD192 or a Roksan Kandy MK III, would this be a significant upgrade or am I wasting my money ? Which would be the better choice considering my amp and speakers....or would I be better getting a Kandy K2 cd player ?

Any thoughts welcome ......

I can recommend the Kandy mk3 player wholeheartedly- I upgraded from a NAD C520 when its transport gave up on me, and the improvement was substantial. The Kandy mk3 is a full-bodied machine, with great low-end control and a big, open sound (IMO)- possibly a little smoother than the K2, but that is subjective and depends on whose opinion you listen to! I listen mainly to electronica of various genres, and the Kandy digs up great detail and gives a solid soundstage. Dynamics and timing are spot on too, to my ears anyway.

The Arcam would also be a good choice, although I am unfamiliar with Arcam gear so can't really qualify that statement. I guess it would all come down to what is available at the time, and for how much.

Bonus points: the Kandy remote should probably (don't quote me on this) operate the amp too, so that's one less remote on the coffee table. Also, the Roksan kit looks so much better than the Arcam...
The Roksan Kandy III is often considered a brighter sounding player - when i heard this it didnt come anywhere close in performance to the Arcam 192 which is much much better - when i listened i didnt think the Kandy III even matched up to the cheaper Arcam CD73t.

The Roksan K2 is a different story and is well recommended and i think you should consider a choice between the K2 and Arcam 192. The K2 will have the visual synergy (although i dont think it looks better than the Arcam at all but thats a personal opinion).

My current system consists of Roksan Kandy K2 amp, with MS Mezzo 6 speakers, and my current cd spinner is the NAD C545BEE, I think the Nad is the weakest link in my system, and was thinking of picking up a 'new' used model over on e-bay, I was thinking of either the Arcam CD192 or a Roksan Kandy MK III, would this be a significant upgrade or am I wasting my money ? Which would be the better choice considering my amp and speakers....or would I be better getting a Kandy K2 cd player ?

Any thoughts welcome ......

The Cyrus CD6 goes ok with the Kandy as they balance each other well. There is one on flerabay right now for £540 (its a 2009 CD6SE)

Though the listing has ended it dones't appear to have sold, no harm in contacting the buyer and making an offer.
The CD192 is a great player. I've already said that the jump in quality from a CD72T to a CD192 was bigger than when I jumped amps from an A65+ to an A85.

The rega apollo is a great little player too. There was a forum recently on what hifi about replacing the nad cd player with the rega apollo and it certaintly would be an upgrade. The consonance cd-120 linear is a nice player too.



Rega Apollo or the Arcam DiVA CD192 CDP's would be the choice for me

I've got the Apollo now and upgraded from a NAD C545EE and its a superb spinner!
The other alternative is to buy something like a Dacmagic or a v-dac and use the NAD as transport. This also gives you the option to stream at some point in the future, plus is a lot cheaper.
I thought it would probably be the Arcam, as this was a considerably more expensive player than the MK III new, I am no stranger to arcam cd players.....I currently run a Alpha 1, 7SE, and DiVa 72 on different systems through the house, and do like the sound they give. I briefly toyed with Cyrus but I just couldn't see one on my rack they just are too ugly and awkward, beside 'normal' sized kit....
Tarquinh:The other alternative is to buy something like a Dacmagic or a v-dac and use the NAD as transport. This also gives you the option to stream at some point in the future, plus is a lot cheaper.
Also, you could wait for the CA Sonata NP30. If they use the same Wolfson DAC chip and Alps volume pot as their other recent kit, it could be very interesting indeed.

And you'd have a whole world of music at your fingertips.
The DAC idea is a good one and maybe you can look into the new Arcam or Musical Fidelity units hitting the market soon.

I used to have the Kandy MKIII and never quite got on with it. The bass was a little uncontrolled and it was a little bright. The Arcam CD192 or K2 are better, and I'd have the K2 in a heartbeat.

Go for the DAC though...
Off for a hearing test... Everyone except me seems to find the Kandy mk3 bright!

I guess it depends a lot on partnering equipment- I've found nothing to better it in my system.
lcd4ever:I thought it would probably be the Arcam, as this was a considerably more expensive player than the MK III new, I am no stranger to arcam cd players.....I currently run a Alpha 1, 7SE, and DiVa 72 on different systems through the house, and do like the sound they give. I briefly toyed with Cyrus but I just couldn't see one on my rack they just are too ugly and awkward, beside 'normal' sized kit....

Yup they are sure one damn ugly piece of kit, but the upside is there is space on the rack for your remotes etc when not in use!. I have to be honest though, its SQ easily outweighs it lack of aesthetic appeal.

@ iggle - I would imagine that the combination of a K2 and the SA1's would be something special!
Have to admit that when I sold my arcam cd192 for the cyrus in my sig, I used the apollo in the bedroom system, and it sounded better thsn the arcam.

That is not to say that it is worse, but just goes to show how good the apollo is.


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