CD Player for Sonos Era 100


Active member
May 19, 2024
Just purchased a pair of Era 100 speakers and paired them in stereo,.WOW for the size I am impressed with them. I bought them with the intension of using the external collection they have to get a CD player to once again use my large CD collection. Undecided what to buy, I never realised that new ones were so expensive. I have looked on eBay which is something I don’t use much, any advice on what to look for which is reliable and easy to set up and use,. Many years ago I had a Rotel cd player, can’t remember the model, it was very easy to use and reliable for the 4 years I owned it. I’ve sort of narrowed it down to Marantz,Rotel, Dennon and at a pinch Cambridge. I do get confused with the different models though.
Not sure what your problem is.
If you've just spent £450 on a pair of Era 100's you can buy a CD player at the UK's 'favorite Hi Fi retail chain' for £189 or a full size Denon for £259. Either would work fine with the Era's and would come with a warranty.
Of course, you could buy something used from fleabay and potentially make your life complicated.
I take it your referring to Richersounds, not to keen on buying from them after problem with Samsung TV. OK they did sort it out in the end , only after a lot of calls and emails. Re the £189 model, I take it that’s the Tangent one that Amazon sell, it’s a bit to basic, I would prefer something with a remote control. I may just have to buy the Denon from elsewhere. I have knocked EBay on the head though. Thanks for the advice
Based on the above, I presume a regular CD player connects to your Sonos, because it’s a system I’m unfamiliar with.

As an alternative, with remote, a clear display, and a transport mech used in far more costly designs, I can recommend this Tascam. If you don’t like the rack handles, they’re removable with a screwdriver. Also, not available from RS! Current price is £220 though it varies, and usually only available from studio/pro shops.

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Based on the above, I presume a regular CD player connects to your Sonos, because it’s a system I’m unfamiliar with.

As an alternative, with remote, a clear display, and a transport mech used in far more costly designs, I can recommend this Tascam. If you don’t like the rack handles, they’re removable with a screwdriver. Also, not available from RS! Current price is £220 though it varies, and usually only available from studio/pro shops.

The new Sonos Era100 have a line in connection, which makes things much easier.
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I used to consider the Onkyo C-7030 as the best buy in audio. It has about doubled in price, so it no longer is that; but, it is still a very nice player.

FWIW, I just scored a very nice used Sony CDP-CA9ES on ebay for a good price, but it took a lot of patient shopping. This weekend I may grab an even better deal on a used SACD player. There have been a nice Technics and a nice Adcom available in my town for a few weeks: Lots of very good used options available out there for patient CD player aficionados.

Good luck coming upon a player that suits you.
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