Wow it’s only taken two hours to upload a three minute video to YouTube. The Internet speed is absolutely screaming round here tonight…
Anyhow here it is, a small demo of my Nakamichi DR-1 playing a common mass-produced pre-recorded tape. Of course it’s not got the silent background and (potential) dynamic range available from a CD, but it’s not the unlistenable lo-fi rubbish some would have you believe, either. :shame:
The first tape I pulled out my drawer was this Rock Anthems tape from 1994 (Dino label, DINMC 101). Well worn, I have to say. I apologise in advance. This was the tape I took to my HiFi dealers twenty years ago when I’d absolutely convinced myself that what I really needed in my life was a Sony TC-K611S. And so I left the shop carrying a brand new Nakamichi DR-3. As you do.
The usual qualifiers apply of course regarding YouTube sound quality (make sure you pick 720 from the drop-down). Plus I had to use the bog-standard line-in on my iMac to record the sound. All caveats considered, it’s a representative facsimile though I guess. And before anyone asks, there is absolutely NO post-capture EQ or noise reduction, unless YouTube has applied some. (It doesn’t seem to have done.) It’s a bit bright, but then again, so is the CD of the same album.
Enjoy. :rockout: