Can you stream music to a squeezebox from a android tablet?


New member
Aug 13, 2007
As the title says, I am getting a transformer prime and was thinking of putting most of my music on that instead of needing to stream from a nas or pc? Are there any other devices which could do this? I suppose I am looking for AirPlay for android.
no. unless yu can get the software onto the tablet.

just put it on a suitable external hard drive and run the built in soft ware. and controll it with the tablet.
Actually, yes you can, via DLNA (you need to add in the plugin on the settings page if I remember rightly)

Just fired up my HTC One X and in the HTC music program I just "select player" and both my squeezebox duet receivers and my WDLive appear. Seems to work just fine, although it isn't something I usually do so I can't comment on the reliability.

Also, I guess it's software dependant so I don't know if the Asus has the right app on board, but there are loads in the market.
That's great thanks for the responses! Sounds like it is possible but may be a bit of a fiddle.


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