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QuestForThe13thNote said:
daveh75 said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
daveh75 said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
daveh75 said:
You really are one of the most irony impaired, hypocritical and self unaware people I've encountered!

But please do carry on, people are now starting to see you for exactly what you are (and why I called you out in the first place)

you called out me because I stuck up for someone you called a ***** then you told me to F off.

No I told you to F off because of the hypocrisy in you telling people how to behave...

yes absolutely I’d call you out if you call someone a ***** with zero provocation on the other guys behalf who was messaging me about you. And I’ve checked your posts out and I see a pattern....

Your absolutely right theres a pattern, and you'll notice it's only you and bomber I have an issue with, and I suggest you look through yours and his posting history to see why that might be...

oh you mean you have an issue with me because I’ve called you out for calling someone a *****, you tell me to ‘respectfully f off’ and then you come on here, and it’s really you that I have an issue with. An issue for being called out for calling someone a ***** with no provocation.

You really aren't very bright are you?

You telling people how to behave is the height of hypocrisy...
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
If you want to do something about this and try and sort this out, like I am trying on the other post, you’d do something. The fact you don’t makes me look at you as even more of an ignorant arrogant man. I think people can see this from how much I actually care and sensitive to this, whereas you seem to revel in it.

I'm sorry, do something about what?

Apart from you getting upset that some people dare to have a different view on hi-fi from yourself, I can't see a problem.

Sure you insult other posters quite often but, mostly, we are grownups and don't give a monkeys.

If this, generally rather polite forum, upsets you so much can I suggest that you stop reading it, retreat to a safe space for 'delicate snowflakes' and play with soft toys. Seriously.

you don’t think there is a problem with the way you feel by what you say to upset people, then what you get back. Or is because you are tough and gurrrrgghhh. Put up with it. You sound like someone who is probably really homophobic by your comments about snowflakes. All you want to do is come on and jump on the bandwagon as you do every time like nasty andrewjvt and the daveh idiot who tells people to F off after I stick up for him calling someone a *****.

Now you are calling me a homophobe. You really are special!

no I called you someone who sounds like one. You don’t give a monkeys about insult so you freely give it back. You insult all my posts in an aggressive and antagonising way and you can expect to get it back both barrels if you keep on doing it. I take no prisoners.

While you are at it, perhaps you can explain how someone who gets upset by comments on a hi-fi forum is anything but a snoflake?

(Edited for spelling)

ive absolutely no idea what you are saying as often the case with you. For me you antagonise and seem to take pleasure in the posts you post in response to mine. I will find examples.

I appreciate that your english is not great, but I go to some lengths to make my posts as clear as possible.

Correcting the twaddle in some of your posts is the primary aim, "antagonising" is just a bonus.

yes well I knew you did that antagonising but you freely admit it and you’ve been doing it for some time. So you do take pleasure in it as a ‘bonus’. I take no pleasure in calling you out for what you are or Ill feeling you create to me and others. But if you want to correct the twaddle as you put it, call it as such as you always do on every post, and then you are arrogant enough not to answer to it when I try and understand what you mean, which I’m afraid is just plain arrogant. And you are clearly doing that to annoy. If I respond to every post of someone else by saying it’s twaddle, after a while they will take it as deliberate insults and victimisation. But then you admit that, so we know where we both stand don’t we. That’s why you are an arrogant, victimising, ignorant man.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
If you want to do something about this and try and sort this out, like I am trying on the other post, you’d do something. The fact you don’t makes me look at you as even more of an ignorant arrogant man. I think people can see this from how much I actually care and sensitive to this, whereas you seem to revel in it.

I'm sorry, do something about what?

Apart from you getting upset that some people dare to have a different view on hi-fi from yourself, I can't see a problem.

Sure you insult other posters quite often but, mostly, we are grownups and don't give a monkeys.

If this, generally rather polite forum, upsets you so much can I suggest that you stop reading it, retreat to a safe space for 'delicate snowflakes' and play with soft toys. Seriously.

you don’t think there is a problem with the way you feel by what you say to upset people, then what you get back. Or is because you are tough and gurrrrgghhh. Put up with it. You sound like someone who is probably really homophobic by your comments about snowflakes. All you want to do is come on and jump on the bandwagon as you do every time like nasty andrewjvt and the daveh idiot who tells people to F off after I stick up for him calling someone a *****.

Now you are calling me a homophobe. You really are special!

no I called you someone who sounds like one. You don’t give a monkeys about insult so you freely give it back. You insult all my posts in an aggressive and antagonising way and you can expect to get it back both barrels if you keep on doing it. I take no prisoners.

While you are at it, perhaps you can explain how someone who gets upset by comments on a hi-fi forum is anything but a snoflake?

(Edited for spelling)

ive absolutely no idea what you are saying as often the case with you. For me you antagonise and seem to take pleasure in the posts you post in response to mine. I will find examples.

I appreciate that your english is not great, but I go to some lengths to make my posts as clear as possible.

Correcting the twaddle in some of your posts is the primary aim, "antagonising" is just a bonus.

yes well I knew you did that antagonising but you freely admit it and you’ve been doing it for some time. So you do take pleasure in it as a ‘bonus’. I take no pleasure in calling you out for what you are or Ill feeling you create to me and others. But if you want to correct the twaddle as you put it, call it as such as you always do on every post, and then you are arrogant enough not to answer to it when I try and understand what you mean, which I’m afraid is just plain arrogant. And you are clearly doing that to annoy. If I respond to every post of someone else by saying it’s twaddle, after a while they will take it as deliberate insults and victimisation. But then you admit that, so we know where we both stand don’t we. That’s why you are an arrogant, victimising, ignorant man.

You are so self obsessed that you have not even noticed that this is the first time I have 'engaged' with you for quite a long time.

I got very bored with 'debating' with you some time ago, your arguments are repetitive, boring and mostly ill informed, so I have not bothered.

However in tonights thread, your self righteous, self obsession and total hypocracy has actually been great fun, the fact that you do not have the faintest idea what is going on is even funnier.
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
If you want to do something about this and try and sort this out, like I am trying on the other post, you’d do something. The fact you don’t makes me look at you as even more of an ignorant arrogant man. I think people can see this from how much I actually care and sensitive to this, whereas you seem to revel in it.

I'm sorry, do something about what?

Apart from you getting upset that some people dare to have a different view on hi-fi from yourself, I can't see a problem.

Sure you insult other posters quite often but, mostly, we are grownups and don't give a monkeys.

If this, generally rather polite forum, upsets you so much can I suggest that you stop reading it, retreat to a safe space for 'delicate snowflakes' and play with soft toys. Seriously.

you don’t think there is a problem with the way you feel by what you say to upset people, then what you get back. Or is because you are tough and gurrrrgghhh. Put up with it. You sound like someone who is probably really homophobic by your comments about snowflakes. All you want to do is come on and jump on the bandwagon as you do every time like nasty andrewjvt and the daveh idiot who tells people to F off after I stick up for him calling someone a *****.

Now you are calling me a homophobe. You really are special!

no I called you someone who sounds like one. You don’t give a monkeys about insult so you freely give it back. You insult all my posts in an aggressive and antagonising way and you can expect to get it back both barrels if you keep on doing it. I take no prisoners.

While you are at it, perhaps you can explain how someone who gets upset by comments on a hi-fi forum is anything but a snoflake?

(Edited for spelling)

ive absolutely no idea what you are saying as often the case with you. For me you antagonise and seem to take pleasure in the posts you post in response to mine. I will find examples.

I appreciate that your english is not great, but I go to some lengths to make my posts as clear as possible.

Correcting the twaddle in some of your posts is the primary aim, "antagonising" is just a bonus.

yes well I knew you did that antagonising but you freely admit it and you’ve been doing it for some time. So you do take pleasure in it as a ‘bonus’. I take no pleasure in calling you out for what you are or Ill feeling you create to me and others. But if you want to correct the twaddle as you put it, call it as such as you always do on every post, and then you are arrogant enough not to answer to it when I try and understand what you mean, which I’m afraid is just plain arrogant. And you are clearly doing that to annoy. If I respond to every post of someone else by saying it’s twaddle, after a while they will take it as deliberate insults and victimisation. But then you admit that, so we know where we both stand don’t we. That’s why you are an arrogant, victimising, ignorant man.

You are so self obsessed that you have not even noticed that this is the first time I have 'engaged' with you for quite a long time.

I got very bored with 'debating' with you some time ago, your arguments are repetitive, boring and mostly ill informed, so I have not bothered.

However in tonights thread, your self righteous, self obsession and total hypocracy has actually been great fun, the fact that you do not have the faintest idea what is going on is even funnier.

im very well aware of what’s going on and how you are making me feel and with often precarious mental health and suicidal thoughts I’m often on a knife edge. How you started this off with your comments about twaddle, when I’m already on a downer and you were the one that did one of your perennial put downs as above. You also know my mh situation.

I’m lost for describing any more how badly I feel about people like you really. To make things fun for you when people suffer by what you are doing makes me feel even worse and as I say I don’t delight at all in either me or you suffering by this process. But realise their are repercussions of what you are doing, and I will make my feelings of what you are doing known when you do it and I have a breaking point like anyone. In fact I’m thinking of reporting this to the authorities.
This thread started with you wanting to leave the forum, for your own & everybody else's sake please do so.
That’s probably the case but my decision, you can’t behave like the way you are with people in the way you are presenting posts and antagonising. It’s not on. This forum should have proper moderators to form rules about how it should be organised.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
That’s probably the case but my decision, you can’t behave like the way you are with people in the way you are presenting posts and antagonising. It’s not on. This forum should have proper moderators to form rules about how it should be organised.

If I was a moderator I would issue you with a yellow card and send you off for 10 minutes.

You'd probably ignore it so I would then give you a red card, which you would also ignore, so I would then probably delete your profile!

Joking aside, it's a pity you don't seem capable of taking advice to take a break.
QuestForThe13thNote said:
That’s probably the case but my decision, you can’t behave like the way you are with people in the way you are presenting posts and antagonising. It’s not on. This forum should have proper moderators to form rules about how it should be organised.

I can't behave the way I do? Because YOU say so?

My posts are antagonistic? Has it occured to you that others may feel the same way about YOUR posts?

This forum should have proper moderators? Because YOU say so?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this neither this forum, or the world, revolves around what YOU want.
*help*But the comment was aimed at Quest. Maybe we should change the subject? Gaz, how do you keep Hifiiing on nights other than forums? Got earphones?
Dear quest I wish all the best and after some time I've logged back in just to send you a reply. You may be a troll or sadly someone who dosent understand how the internet works but please don't take anything people say personally the internet and forums are different in the way people socialise. I think taking a step back may help you realise this. I've read alot of what you said and to be honest when it's longer then a paragraph I just ignore it or if your repeating yourself because I can't be arsed to read the whole thing and I doubt the person your talking to can be arsed either. People wouldn't do that it in a normal social situation but forums don't follow that.

Hope that helps you to realise and keep on loving hifi
jmjones said:
*help*But the comment was aimed at Quest. Maybe we should change the subject? Gaz, how do you keep Hifiiing on nights other than forums? Got earphones?

It was initially titled as a reply to my post, sorry I didn't see the edit in time

No music at work sadly, can get away with posting here in between having to work (annoying when that happens)
Anyway, at the risk of rubbing it in, not on nights - just the the third bottle with the missus and the Zac Brown band.

I’m hoping everyone else has gone to bed. Keep that 63KI - fine player. *music2*
jmjones said:
Anyway, at the risk of rubbing it in, not on nights - just the the third bottle with the missus and the Zac Brown band.

I’m hoping everyone else has gone to bed. Keep that 63KI - fine player. *music2*

Third bottle of what?

Not a spirit of any kind I hope lol
Bin working away all week and now knocking back fizzers. Sound way to spend a night (unlike working!!). Blake Shelton on here. Bloody country fest.


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