I can't try out the BBC HD logo issue as i don't have it, doh! Getting Freesat HD in the next few weeks i hope as i only have to pay for a dish install and it saves yet another monthly bill esculation!! I did try it with bluray though and had no issues there but that dosen't mean no issues are present on the BBC HD channel.
Shame you never got to the Panny store....hope you get the chance next week! I can sympathise with your Comet experience mate as in my experience they are filled with teenage t**ts as 'sales professionals' LOL who have little to no understanding of the products and what they do and often spout out incorrect info as a matter of course....most of them i have pairs of socks and pants older than them for god sake so i don't go in there anymore unless i have to. The same goes for Currys by the way as they are just as bad he he
You won't regret getting Red Dead but prepare to lose alot of time to it, it's definately a case of just one more go! No matter what you say i won't ever buy a Wii console i'm afraid as i have wholesale problems with the console (and yes i have used one and hated it more every time)...i hate the controller in all aspects, from the design to the horrible tinnie 'effects' speaker within it, the fact that in order for it to do what it was supposed to you have to buy an additional add-on for accurate 1:1 play. I know you can use that alternative Nes alike pad but that is just as bad and like having a white version of the controller and that defeats the point of the console. I should point out that motion controllers in any form i hate and not just the Wii...if i wanted to exercise i would go back down the gym, for games i just want to relax and get on with it! I also hate that bloody nun chuck thing on the Wii....this isn't going well so far eh lol. The console itself is underpowered and a backwards step visually and sonically and is sold as a family friendly entertainment device just like the DS and not a console atall plus the Wii also has a total of 2 or maybe 3 games i would pay to play (not a metroid fan atall and Zelda i can take it or leave it). Nintendo tried to tell genuine gamers they would not be forgotten with the Wii but i see absolutely no evidence of this apart from half ar**d games (no more heroes i'm looking at you!) and a few select annoncements such as Zelda so to me the Wii is a dead duck and one for mum and dad and the family and not a bloke of my age looking for great gaming!
That same attitude goes for these other motion devices that are coming this year...i own a PS3 and 360 but i will defianately NOT be buying Kinect or Move...imo they are pointless. Ok so Kinect will let me use menus with no pad etc but why would i pay £130 for the privelege?! Move is just a much more accurate version of the Wii remote system but i am intriguied by it's ability to show the move controller on screen and change it to any object but still it's not enough to get me interested in motion controllers, i have never used my ps3 pad for any motion control uses for example so an entire console with that purpose is completely pointless to me.
I hope that doesn't come across as aggresive, it's not meant to, but the whole subject of motion control winds me up as what is wrong with the current controllers? Often the argument is that they are too complicated for people to use but that is complete rubbish because if that was the case no-one would know how to use a many keys and interfaces are present on even the most basic pc's or notepads these days? IMO the ipad is more confusing!! The other excuse is to get people exercising...more rubbish there as the traditional (mid 80's) stereotype of a gamer no longer applies in 2010, i have only 1 friend that would fit the stereotype of overweight, obsessed with games, no girlfriend or social life etc and i like to think i'm just a normal bloke who looks after himself. The real reason motion controllers are taking off is money! The companies will make a killing in this market as Nintendo has proved by moving away from potentially going out of business to being one of the biggest entertainment companies on the planet with the release of the Wii!!!
Rant over i promise lol! I am looking forward to the 3ds but i'm not as excited as you sound, ok it looks promising but i won't buy one untill i know what games will appear and if, as expected, they are swamped with shovelware (hannah montana etc) then i won't buy one. If however Nintendo decide to support it with games i want and would enjoy (unlike the DS) then i will buy one but i will be waiting to see so it will be quite a while before i decide if i'm getting one but to be honest i can't see Nintendo changing their policy for the 3Ds and it will be full of shoddy shovelware and the odd zelda game or mario kart....they have made shed loads of money this way so why stop the cash cow now eh!
Let's get back to AV talk! The motionflow when i had it i used for SD only so i would use it for tv and dvd (but not all dvds, it's a matter of taste here) but not for HD as it just looked wrong and nearer to a tv broadcast, too good if you know what i mean!? I found it really useful for sport as it goes as it really helped with all those fast panning shots, closeups and ultra slow mo they like to use these days but as a rule i would turn it off as much as i could.
Right, im off to enjoy my sunday now so lots of doing very little and watching movies or some ps3 or 360 not sure which, weather is a bit dodgy today so pointless going out unless you want a free shower, hope you had a great weekend mate and very little work