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hey oldboy

I am happy that you are still over the moon with your panny and the new amp sounds ace I wish i had the money for an amp all I have is an onkyo mycro hifi that I put my sound from my tv through via optical digital which is lame I crave to go surround one day it will happen oh plus I have house bunnys the boy one just loves speaker cable hehehe well any cable actually I am surprised he is still alive we guard them from cables as we do not want them to get hurt plus we need the cables hehehe

Regarding the tearing of the text with movement onscreen on the g20 this was only when IFC was on!!! same as my set only does it with motionflow and film 1 mode selected!!!

enjoy your sound mate:)


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Sep 13, 2007
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What is the IFC system that you refer to and how do you know when it is on? What does it do? This is something i have not come across up until now

Rabbits and speaker cable don't mix to well then.....LOL.


hey oldboy yeah as andrew said it is intelligent frame creation i thing under other settings do you not use this mate?


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Yeah i know exactly what it is i just wasn't familiar with the acronim, i've only had the tv a few weeks so forgive my ignorance i'm just used to it being called motionflow after having so many sony tv's lol! I don't use it as a rule as it just isn't required...but i do use it for the F1 and footie etc, the only problem is that it introduces a few artefacts to the picture and some shimmering around objects when used for normal viewing but for sport it seems more capable but still not quite up to the standard of motionflow which is far more natural imo


hey oldboy

So did you use motionflow on your sonys? I must admit I do use it for pretty much everything because I hate judder does the panny judder as much as your sony when the IFC is off? how is judder when it is on? In some ways I think the fact that this tech is there spoils us in a way anyway because when you go to the cinema there of course is judder there same as home projectors i guess? Now after all this with modern tvs i forget what judder was like on 100htz because that was different tch that was to reduce flicker am i right? I had 2 crts with 100htz first a 4:3 phillips which I actually bought to play a Japanese Sega Dreamcast which I bought on import a year before it was out here as the phillips was the best with the NTSC signal but the 100htz could not be turned off so lightgun games would not work as the screen was too fast hehehe. Then I had a 16:9 sony 100htz set which was great (had to sell it to go travelling though only had it 6 months) I just cannot remember what the judder was like!!!

I am working in kingston on thames tomorrow I was also there today and to my delight I saw they have a panasonic store there after work tomorrow(actually today looking at the time hehehe) I will have to have a look at the plasmas and have a chat with their guys I hope they are better than sony centre staff(they are just over the road)

I know what you mean about games tearing on ps3 I just bought Transformers war for cybatron and there is quite a bit of screen tearing there which is the graphics engine on the game not ps3 or tv my fave game bioshock never did that I think I am also going to get that Red Dead redemption too looks ace:) Have you seen the new nintendo 3DS? That looks amazing 3d graphics with no glasses and supposed to have more ooomph that the psp I cannot wait for that(I am a nintendo fanboy Mario galaxy 2 is my fave game so far this year so so so hard that game and so well designed ninty really know how to make great games)



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Hello mate i have now tested the subtitles with IFC on and there was no tearing in evidence across all sources FYI. As for motionflow i used it for SD sources only just to minimise the judder and smearing but when it came to HD i never used it as it just made everything look like a TV broadcast if you know what i mean!?? My G20 dosen't need the IFC on even with SD as the motion is lovely and smooth without it with only very occasional judder, when you introduce the IFC the picture is too smooth and you loose that cinema feel but i can see some people liking does seem to reduce flicker though and that is one of it's purposes, if you click on the link Andrew provided above entitled Mr Viera it shows you all about IFC!

As for the older tech all i can remember was that with CRT flicker was pretty much accepted as part of the tech and that 100hz sets only had a minimal impact on flicker...i may well be wrong there though and i'm sure someone will correct me if that's the case, it was a while back now and i'm struggling to recall the flicker! I will have to fire up my Toshiba 22" crt i still have in my bedroom to remind me....

Hope you got the chance to visit the Panasonic store today and that they were helpful....please let them be better than the Sony Centre!!

I can definately recommend Red Dead Redemption, i have had it since release day for the PS3 and got to the credits, throughout the entire length of the game it remained compelling. If you have any love for GTA you won't beleive the leap forward this game takes as the story is so much better and very well told with some memorable you can see i like it quite a bit lol! I have seen the new 3DS and it looks intriguing, that sort of 3D experience delivered without the need for silly glasses has peeked my interest in 3D and the whole console and 3D experience looks very cool indeed. The only problem i can see is the fact that it is a Nintendo DS evolution....what quality games will appear for it?? Traditionally Nintendo has a mantra for making games for the masses and that has translated into a flood of casual games being released for both the Wii and Dsi, Ds etc so i'm not sold on just how relevant it will be to someone of my age (36) besides just an interesting peice of new tech....
I'm not a nintendo fanboy i'm afraid and don't have any allegiance to a brand, don't get me wrong i have had EVERY Nintendo console from the original NES up to the gamecube but i HATE the Wii with a passion lol it just never grabbed my imagination in any way and only 2 games have been released for it that i have wanted to play (Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 plus Mario Kart, is that 3 and i did play those of course!! Do/did you have a Wii and do you like it??

Best regards Jamie


EDIT: I fired up my Tosh loads of flicker compared to my G20!! It's amazing how much flicker was accepted back then as it took a while for my eyes to adjust after being used to modern motion tech. I think the Tosh is a 60hz set though so perhaps a 100hz would look better but i can't recall what my Sony Trinitron was like....if only i still had that now lol i did love that tv despite it enormous bulk


hey oldboy

hmmmmm not sure why the g20 in comet had ripping text then I remember it being more noticable on the bbc hd logo when the camera panned passed say a football net or some pillars it caused issues with the text but you do not have that so that is grand:)

I am sad to say that i did not get a chance to go to the panasonic store today just too much on I am sure they are very helpful I just hope they have more of a clue than the fony centre. Or comet I was in there the other day and while i was looking at your set some little midget moron came up!!! need any help sir?? I said no thanks!!! Ah plasma you want eh he said? Maybe I said!!! No good he says you have to get LED better than plasma and LCD!!!! So i says mate LED sets are LCD the LED refers to the backlight!!! He says LED tvs(he was pointing towards a 40 inch sammy) do not have a backlight that is why they are so slim!!!!!!! Hmmmmmmmm at this point I moved along just incase his lack of intelligence was catching hehehe...

Yeah I just ordered red dead redemption I cant wait fir it to come. I have never played any grand theft auto games well only the original one viewing from the top not my kind of game mate but red dead redemption looks amazing. Oh there are plenty of amazing games on the wii mate it is just all the family rubbish sells so much more which is so annoying. Like I just saw that no more heroes 2 is out on wii for months now!!!! i loved the original game and had no idea the second one was out due to all the casual games that come out. I stood in line in oxford st from 9pm till 1am to get my wii on launch i had no idea it would be so busy but i got it with zelda(amazing) and red steel(red steel 2 is awesome) The metroid games I love too!!!! there were loads of marios princesses donkey kongs, links running around that night so many crazy fans hehehehe The thing i love about ninty other than their amazing in house games is that they are usually first with everything! Nes style controller, Analog stick on n64, Rumble back on n64(ooooh the first time that vibrated on goldeneye was brill) also now the Wii controllers and Sony and microsoft just follow and sega before them. I wonder what the games market would be like without them? Or what it would be like if they had joined with sony like they very nearly did to make what became the playstation!

The 3ds will be great too i am sure gamesmaster even said that resident evil looks as good as on ps3(they said that) probably due to the small screens but it for sure is a hell of a lot more powerful than the dsi and psp

Anyway i am glad to hear that you do not need to use the IFC on your set maybe I should stop using it on my sony as i am fine at the cinema so why do we need it at home?

ok oldboy (not so old at 36 same age as me infact! I am a fish)back to the grind tomorrow better head off gotta be up in 5 hrs hehehe



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I can't try out the BBC HD logo issue as i don't have it, doh! Getting Freesat HD in the next few weeks i hope as i only have to pay for a dish install and it saves yet another monthly bill esculation!! I did try it with bluray though and had no issues there but that dosen't mean no issues are present on the BBC HD channel.

Shame you never got to the Panny store....hope you get the chance next week! I can sympathise with your Comet experience mate as in my experience they are filled with teenage t**ts as 'sales professionals' LOL who have little to no understanding of the products and what they do and often spout out incorrect info as a matter of course....most of them i have pairs of socks and pants older than them for god sake so i don't go in there anymore unless i have to. The same goes for Currys by the way as they are just as bad he he

You won't regret getting Red Dead but prepare to lose alot of time to it, it's definately a case of just one more go! No matter what you say i won't ever buy a Wii console i'm afraid as i have wholesale problems with the console (and yes i have used one and hated it more every time)...i hate the controller in all aspects, from the design to the horrible tinnie 'effects' speaker within it, the fact that in order for it to do what it was supposed to you have to buy an additional add-on for accurate 1:1 play. I know you can use that alternative Nes alike pad but that is just as bad and like having a white version of the controller and that defeats the point of the console. I should point out that motion controllers in any form i hate and not just the Wii...if i wanted to exercise i would go back down the gym, for games i just want to relax and get on with it! I also hate that bloody nun chuck thing on the Wii....this isn't going well so far eh lol. The console itself is underpowered and a backwards step visually and sonically and is sold as a family friendly entertainment device just like the DS and not a console atall plus the Wii also has a total of 2 or maybe 3 games i would pay to play (not a metroid fan atall and Zelda i can take it or leave it). Nintendo tried to tell genuine gamers they would not be forgotten with the Wii but i see absolutely no evidence of this apart from half ar**d games (no more heroes i'm looking at you!) and a few select annoncements such as Zelda so to me the Wii is a dead duck and one for mum and dad and the family and not a bloke of my age looking for great gaming!

That same attitude goes for these other motion devices that are coming this year...i own a PS3 and 360 but i will defianately NOT be buying Kinect or Move...imo they are pointless. Ok so Kinect will let me use menus with no pad etc but why would i pay £130 for the privelege?! Move is just a much more accurate version of the Wii remote system but i am intriguied by it's ability to show the move controller on screen and change it to any object but still it's not enough to get me interested in motion controllers, i have never used my ps3 pad for any motion control uses for example so an entire console with that purpose is completely pointless to me.

I hope that doesn't come across as aggresive, it's not meant to, but the whole subject of motion control winds me up as what is wrong with the current controllers? Often the argument is that they are too complicated for people to use but that is complete rubbish because if that was the case no-one would know how to use a many keys and interfaces are present on even the most basic pc's or notepads these days? IMO the ipad is more confusing!! The other excuse is to get people exercising...more rubbish there as the traditional (mid 80's) stereotype of a gamer no longer applies in 2010, i have only 1 friend that would fit the stereotype of overweight, obsessed with games, no girlfriend or social life etc and i like to think i'm just a normal bloke who looks after himself. The real reason motion controllers are taking off is money! The companies will make a killing in this market as Nintendo has proved by moving away from potentially going out of business to being one of the biggest entertainment companies on the planet with the release of the Wii!!!

Rant over i promise lol! I am looking forward to the 3ds but i'm not as excited as you sound, ok it looks promising but i won't buy one untill i know what games will appear and if, as expected, they are swamped with shovelware (hannah montana etc) then i won't buy one. If however Nintendo decide to support it with games i want and would enjoy (unlike the DS) then i will buy one but i will be waiting to see so it will be quite a while before i decide if i'm getting one but to be honest i can't see Nintendo changing their policy for the 3Ds and it will be full of shoddy shovelware and the odd zelda game or mario kart....they have made shed loads of money this way so why stop the cash cow now eh!

Let's get back to AV talk! The motionflow when i had it i used for SD only so i would use it for tv and dvd (but not all dvds, it's a matter of taste here) but not for HD as it just looked wrong and nearer to a tv broadcast, too good if you know what i mean!? I found it really useful for sport as it goes as it really helped with all those fast panning shots, closeups and ultra slow mo they like to use these days but as a rule i would turn it off as much as i could.

Right, im off to enjoy my sunday now so lots of doing very little and watching movies or some ps3 or 360 not sure which, weather is a bit dodgy today so pointless going out unless you want a free shower, hope you had a great weekend mate and very little work


hey oldboy

I had a free weekend just after my last post I was gonna pop off down the fony centre but out of the blue my boy bunny fell very ill he basically got a lot of wind which sounds silly but for a rabbit can be fatal(they cannot burp or throw up only one way out via the back passage which was blocked with fur) and it very nearly was he was in the vet hospital overnight she basically worked through the night and saved his life she is amazing as she is one of few vets that will try for a bunny so many will just out them down


we have him home now he is very weak but is on the mend wallet 400 quid lighter (will get most back from insurance) but at least my little boy should be better (as you can imagine i do not have kids hehehe).... So long story short bunny is better tv still


and will not be able to make moves on that till into september as i am off on my hols next saturday for 3 weeks which I cannot wait for Me and the misses need a break not been an easy year so far boo hoo :)

Well nintendo so you are not a fan i see:) do not get me wrong nintendo really brought it on themselves first they made the n64 so hard for anyone but themselves to develop games for which forced a lot of those guys to the ps1 (which was also helped by the sega saturn being so


too) I loved the n64 by the way but apart for nintendo and Rare(nintendo should not have sold them to microsoft btw) most of the other games were poor. The gamecube however was a different story that was easier to develop for and did see some great 3rd party games(res 4 springs to mind that was amazing) I did love the fact that the machine loaded games so fast compared to the xbox and ps2. But really the damage was already done by sony by that point and the gamecube was an under used and under developed platform once again apart from mainly Nintendos efforts Metroid prime was just so amazing and is still to this day. So we move onto the wii (I wish they kept the name Revolution) I do agree with you mate it is underpowered but in my opinion that was their plan all along they admitted that it is not in compitition with sony and microsoft especially with the graphics being SD (i think they said at that time Hd is not mainstream yet so it is not viable for them to make an HD console untill it is viable and even though lots of peeps have hd sets now more actually do not i think) What i am trying to say is this nintendo are the only 1 out of the big 3 that made profit from the console from day 1 do not quote me but i think it cost them less that 100 pounds to make a wii and they were selling them for 180 and that price has not dropped much and demand is still there. But both sony and microsoft from the start made each console at a complete loss and still do today and that is why they have a life cycle for their consoles! to my knowlege there is no life cycle for the wii so it could be replaced or they could release a console alongside it in the next year or 2 i am sure they have the money to do so and that could of course out perform ps3 and xbox 360 well that is my secret hope as i am a ninty fan (but i do love my ps3) it is perfectly possible i think look at the 3ds that has come out of the blue! Nintendo do not drip feed the market with sneek looks they just drop it out at say E3..

I do take on all you comments mate about the nintendo brand and some i agree with for one i hate that it has attracted all these


games like dance on broadwat AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but when i play a game the most important thing is the gameplay and weather i go back every time for more and that is what i get from Zelda, Mario and say Metroid not because of the characters but because of the way the games play sure when i play them i long for graphics and lighting to die for but how many games have you played where the graphics are ace but the gameplay is terrible? But with the money nintendo must have made I think it is time for them to reclaim the title of number 1 console (lose all the casual


though which they brought on thmselves to attract a new market but it has now overtaken the 3rd party developers prority.....

Anyway back to topic of AV I am sure if you have not noticed it on you g20 by now i must either have dodgy eyes or the set i looked at had issues or the feed did!!!! I am looking forward to playing red dead redemption mate just wish it was on a tv that did


every time i lookedat it.

sorry for this terrible post both in grammer and biased opinion(yes i did get a poor grade in english at school hehehe)


hows the knee btw?


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Sep 13, 2007
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Hey Snakey,

Good to hear you had a weekend off for a change hope you got some R & R! Not so good about the boy bunny but good he's on the mend, sounds like you have a great vet as most of them would have waited for it to die then throw it out with the rubbish so top marks to her!

I should point out i am far from anti nintendo....untill the Wii came out i was a real nintendo fan, i loved my N64 and Gamecube so much i still have them along with my original NES and original chunky white gameboy and others that reside with my parents due to space at home (i live in a flat you see). My issue is with the Wii ONLY. It's as though Nintendo made the choice when they decided to make it that all those gamers that had enjoyed, bought and extensively played all the previous consoles and games meant nothing and that in pursuit of the big dollars they would abondon that idea, change track and go for the casual market with so called 'games' aimed at mum and dad, gran and grandad etc. To me they have lost their way, the old caring, sharing Nintendo is gone forever to be replaced by the monstrous 'entertainment company'! Why is it that Nintendo can't/won't call the Wii a console? And why do they refer to games now as 'entertainment media'? It's this pervading sense of over-riding corporate structure that has annoyed me as the way i remember Nintendo is vastly different to the corporate face of you can see i have been fond of Nintendo myself for quite some time but they lost me completely with the Wii so there is no biased opinion here
It's just the direction taken by the entire company with the Wii and ever since that has alienated me, but the flip side is that they made more money than some countries from the Wii but i think that in the process they lost almost all of the genuine gamers.

I can't agree on the gameplay front i'm afraid as that is one of the reasons i never bought one. In nearly all games apart from the ones you mentioned (Mario, Zelda and Metroid, all of which are Nintendo games) the gameplay is almost non existant and devoid of any challenge what so ever apart from actually trying to control what is going on in front of you with a control device that never does what it is supposed too unless you invest in an add on. There is very little room for genuine skill and the whole control scheme is vague at best and just how immersive can a game truly be when you are throwing your arms around like a loon for hours on end?? Only the big Nintendo games come somewhere near getting it right but even then it's very difficult to play them for more than an hour and so long immersive experiences are a no no on the Wii.

There has been rumours for some time now about a Wii HD. Nintendo have a working version of this console at their HQ but are still deciding on the merits of full production, it's just a matter of if enough tv's are out there now to justify making it as far as i'm aware but it definately exists!!! Oh by by the way did you know that up untill the last stages of development Nintendo were producing the PS1 alongside Sony and that if they could have ironed out their differences the original Ps1 would have had the Nintendo name on it!?

Anyway less of that and back to AV, i hope you get the chance to see a G20 in a good store before you go on your hols as it will motivate you to say goodbye to the sony when you get back he he! Where are you going by the way? I trust it will be hot and not in the UK!! Whatever you do for you hols have a great time, relax, and do as little as possible


hey oldboy

What I meant by the gameplay is nintendos proper games ie mario, zelda, metroid ,f zero and so on all the so called family games can go sit on something sharp as far i am concerned. Some of the party games like wii sports resort are a laugh with some drinkks just as singstar is but that is as far as it goes for me! Oh i know about the sony nintendo joint venture that never went through i mentioned it earlier in my post that was the start of where it went wrong for nintendo!!!

We are off to germany for 3 weeks with my wifes parents on a hiking holiday which should be great plenty of sausage and


I will get to look at the panny at some point I read only great things about it mate if i do end up going for that i will probably get the 46 inch one as this house is bigger and we sit 3m away from the set before it was about 2.3. Oh i remember the days of living in a flat with small amount of space so no junk oh joy we have a 3 bed house now most of the space occupied by my wifes hundreds and hundreds of books:)


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Hi Snakey,

Oh yeah some of that third party rubbish really sucks....but they sell it by the truck load, why??? I wish people would realise what is being served up to them and just buy the good stuff!! It may have gone wrong for nintendo with the ps1 but the recovery over the past few years has been incredible.

Hope you have a great holiday in Germany, i have never been as it didn't ever seem like a holiday destination for obvious reasons but a few friends of mine have been and really enjoyed it so i may well go myself in the next few years unless the lure of a hot, sunny holiday becomes too strong lol! Have a great time and don't forget to try and see an end to your tv probs when you get back...sure i will still be on here so start a new thread when you get it sorted as i would very much like to know how you get on!!

Must admit i'm sick of living in my flat cos as you say storage ia a nightmare....i think i'm a pretty tidy person but i really struggle with such limited space but finances dictate that i can't move unfortunately so i just have to make do but it drives me crazy at times he he. Will have freesat by the time you get back from your hols so i will be able to test that BBC HD logo issue

For now all the best mate and have a great holiday


hey oldboy.

Yeah those games that sell so much on the wii are very annoying but so popular for some reason that said there are annoying games on the other platforms too i just think Nintendo need to put tighter restrictions over the quality of games that are released!!! The are some little gems that go un noticed though De blob springs to mind trouble is the developers really do not use the controls to their full potential like Nintendo do on most of their titles the new Zelda coming out being case in point!!!

Do you not have freeview hd in your area then? I am not sure if it is available here in Southampton! How much is it gonna cost to get freesat put in or are you doing it yourself ??

Ok i have a couple of questions about your set mate!

1. Is it possible to save progs to an external hard drive via usb? that would be very handy as sky can fill up real quick with hd recordings!

2. Silly one but is there adjustment to adjust the position of the image if the feed is not centred I know some LCDS have this my sony lets you move the image left or right others like sharp and toshiba let you move it up and down too! The reason i ask is when i had the samsung last year that had no adjustment and the feed for the wii via scart was well off and gamecube!!!

3. Have you noticed any colour banding on your panny? I am sure you know what i mean from your sony's! When you have a solid colour say on ps3 background is set to green you will see curved gradients in the colour like curved lines i remember this being visible in the game motorstorm! The ford advert on tv with the ford logo on an orange screen used to be a good example! I did look at various sets in currys a year back using the ford ad as a test and currys loop demo too and on all the LCDS and Plasmas including pannys (g10 i think) and colour banding was there some worse than others! It was said that 10bit panels on LCDS were supposed to erase this issue but the sony w4500 was 10 bit and that set had it too! (your ex sony and mine are 8 bit and all this years models i think).

Germany is a wonderful country mate you have to visit there my misses grew up there (originally from poland) I have lost count how many times i have been there. I just love it and it is a fare deal hotter there in the summer than here oh and colder in the winter hehehe but the country is just amazing and oh so well run everything is so efficient hehehe. I wish we had money to go back to the Maldives:-( maybe again one day:)


This thread is going from av to nintendo to travel! is there a link?? hehehe
Snakey: This thread is going from av to nintendo to travel! is there a link?? hehehe

Totally agree.....every time I check this thread to get an update on your Sony issue, all I find is an unrelated conversation between you & oldboy!


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I won't be filling this space with more nintendo and travel comments he he so straight to your questions for a change!

No i don't have freeview HD in my area i think it's the end of 2011 before we get it here so i'm going the superior freesat route as i found out last night that my tv won't be able to carry 5.1 over freeview HD, boooo! That means it's definately Freesat for me in a few weeks, it's costing £80 for a dish and install which i think is reasonable and saves me doing it myself.

Will answer your other questions numerically so here goes!

1. Yes it is possible to save (any including HD) programmes to an external hdd, the only problem is that the tv is fussy with what drive it will accept and i think i remember reading in the instructions that the minimum size drive it will accept is 320gb oh and don't forget the tv will format the drive before it can use it!! I haven't tried this yet as it goes so i can't say what the quality etc is like.

2. No is the short answer here but all is not lost....the tv dosen't have adjustments for the horizontal and vertical BUT it does have an overscan feature which does eliminate the picture issues i get with my Vbox, in normal mode the picture doesn't fit but with overscan on it eliminates the problem but you do lose a bit of picture although not much tbh. This would work for the Wii or cube depending on if the picture is out or not but you may lose some picture...from tests i have done that really depends on the source as the higher the quality the better the overscan works with less picture loss.

3. Now this is more difficult as at first when i got the set i would've said yes there was colour banding but now after 4 - 5 weeks of running in the tv i haven't noticed a single issue, perhaps my eyes have adjusted or the effect has simply degraded over time which is my thinking. I will have a look out for the ford ad, i know it still runs alot on Sky Sports so i've switched over as i write this in the hope it appears before i sign off!

Would like to comment about Germany here but after the comments i will have to restrain myself a little and just say i will go there on holiday soon hopefully

Best wishes, Nick.

Update: That Ford ad just came on and i could see no noticeable banding in the picture from my seating position but it did seem more noticeable if you got alot closer to the screen...hmmmm from that test i would say your seating position will dictate if you see any banding, FYI i sit 2.7 metres away from the tv and i would say that when you get to under 1.5metres away from the tv that's when it's most noticeable...hope that helps!?


Hey oldboy

no worries chatting about whatever you want be it germany or whatever i was kidding no problem.

The other thing i forgot to ask was can you save different settings per input on your panny?

That is awesome news that you can use an external drive to save programs another great reason to get a panny if i go that route then i will be buying another 1tb drive(i have one for the ps3 for back up and other things already) They are very cheap now 60 pounds or less i think. Do you have to be watching the channel or input you are recording?

I do not understand why all tv manufacturers do not have screen position adjustments like you can on every pc monitor it is not a problem on modern tech on modern connections(component or hdmi) just older tech via scart or composite but hey something I will have to live with!

Does you g20 have a full pixel option for full screen display via hdmi like the sonys and samsung?

Thats bad about freeview hd not using 5.1!!! but at least you have the option of both:)


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Sep 13, 2007
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Hello mate,

Yes you can save different settings per input but you have to use professional 1 and professional 2 modes with isfcc turned on. The normal modes only allow you to save across the board but how i got around this was to use THX mode for my bluray player, game mode for games and normal for tv. I wasn't too concerned with using the professional modes as i don't have enough kit for it to be a problem but if you are running multiple sources you may have to use them.

As for usb recording yes you have to be watching the channel you then get 2 options, one touch direct tv recording and record constantly and if you use the latter then you have access to rewind live tv also! Bit of a pain having to watch the same channel i know but at least the feature is there even if it's not perfect.

Ok so the screen adjustment options aren't great but i guess you can't have it all eh and the overscan is a compromise towards older tech but not perfect. Yes the G20 does have a full pixel option for full screen display via hdmi and it works just like the sony and samsung versions.

Think i may have given you the wrong impression with freeview hd sound with the G20. Freeview HD is not the problem here as it does transmit 5.1 sound, the issue here is with the tv (and many tv's,pvr's and set top boxes etc on the market) in that it can't recognise the codec used for the freeview hd 5.1 sound. Therefore freesat is my best option as not only is the picture superior but there is no problem with 5.1 sound either.

Been looking into a holiday in Germany after you put the idea in my head lol, can you recommend any particular regions to look at going to? Won't be this year now but i'm thinking of taking a holiday in Germany for my main holiday next year and i am really looking forward to planning it so any help would be much appreciated, recommendations are always better than brochures