al7478:Gerrardasnails:mattc76:So anyway: How does it compare with the Beresford? Is it worth ditching Stanley's nifty number for the DACmagic??
I've not listened to the Beresford but I would wager that the DM is better by a fair bit. You could buy one and try it and sell it on ebay if you weren't happy and you would lose no more than £20. Seriously, I am astonished at the quality from my wav files on the media extender.
Someone really should do that comparison. At this rate, i might have to do it myself.
I believe the very provider of this forum has done so ... just an idea.
True, but if you already have a beresford, as i have, you may aswell hear the difference for yourself. and i fancy having a fiddle with those phase filters; must admit my initial inexperienced, knee-jerk reaction is "gimmick".
Yeah, so did I, though another magazine (
) said that they can be more effective for simpler and more complex music respectively. And then they made it their product of the year, I think
When mine arrives am hoping to *** round a Beresford-owning colleagues house (or just lend it to him) for an A/B.