Cambridge Audio DAC Magic

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My thoughts exactly. Almost as good as the Native Instruments Kontrol 1.
Gerrardasnails:the record spot:Gerrardasnails:I think most people would have picked out the OP from this post and not shafesk to be sarcastic at.
What, for having an opinion that doesn't sit with yours or shafesk? Please...

The OP posted his thoughts and opinions, he's probably right in what he says with regard to Behringer or pro-audio gear in general. But shafesk wades in with "Arcam user huh?" whatever that means and then states the CA DACMagic can't really be faulted (my words).

You don't like the Behringer for its looks - fair enough, the OP looks beyond that (wisely) and gets a benefit he thinks is better than those offered by the CA DAC. Problem is what? A different take? God, the very crime...(that's sarcasm by the way).No RS. As usual, you take a bone and run away with it. I'm not knocking the Golden Ears for this one post - he was on an advertising campaign - you know like you with obscure second hand gear (sarcasm).I don't think I was alone in not liking the Behringer for its looks. I think you are alone in siding with the Golden One.

No offense intended to RS or Golden Ears.....just the advertising campaign...(dear god). All I meant with the arcam user quote is that they like warm sounding kit as opposed to dynamic imho. I meant the reason he preffered his dac to the dacmagic was purely because of his preference of sound quality. Thats all! I'm here to make friends and not apologies if you didnt get what I meant
No offence meant and none taken. I just gave my rationale for my post in response to Gerrard's little dig.

Welcome and enjoy the forum - it's a decent place for most of the time (and better than most others in that regard).
Hehe fair things can get catty here! Thanks for welcoming me to the forums...already feels like home. Now should we get back to the real problem at hand here? Have you tried the Beresford Caiman TC-7520SE ? Stan offers money back guarantee as well...what have you got to lose?
simonclayt:Thin bass? I think that may be as much a factor of the OPs other kit and system-matching, than any electronic signature of the DAC. With Focus 110a's and a Velodyne 80 SPL ultra, I have actually had to wind back the bass and bung the Dyn's.

agree with this, i would definitely not describe the dacmagics bass as thin. full and just a little bit bloated is how i'd describe it.
Thank you Craig...certainly something I mentioned as well and agree with you. You can try VDH interconnects to smooth out the bass if you are having problems
There's a new Musical Fidelity DAC that's just out, part of the company's revamped "M" series. Seems to have decent specs and has been well-received by the hifi press (so far)...
Hiya! Are you living in Bergen? I have both the Dac Magic and the SRC2496 still. I have left the DAC MAgic in the box however! I'd be more than happy to arrange a demo of both and you can listen for yourself 🙂
What a happy forum 😉 I must say I was a little shocked that so many people thought I had an angle! I am just a satisfied owner of said product and nothing more. I thought it a duty to mention that I had found an alternative that in my opion delivers far better dynamics, quality and resolution than the DAC Magic having both I can form an opinion. As for Arcam owner lol! I ended up seeking a DAC to improve on it! Even though that DAC in question is not expensive it is amazing how many people have been around and heard my system and not been happy with their own after wards! My last compliment was from an owner of a 50k system saying "It's annoying how good this system sounds for the money" hahaha